imanamerican63's JournalWhat will we see next?
Is there enough on Flynn and the others, to get them to squeal on Trump? Or will there be a misfortune accident before this all comes to an end? Trump can't fire everyone? Give your thoughts?
Mine, I am seeing Flynn jumping ship and running off to another country along with the other?
So, Comey's next move is........??????? What?
My bet is he will go ballistic and Trump will turn 5 shades of orange?
Jeff Seezieson should resign, NOW!
He should not be able to advise the president in the way he has! He recused himself from any and all aspect of this investigation.
So, what does everyone think about the "Health Commitee" gang?
Lord help us all!!!Never believe what you hear!
Trump fired Comey over Hillary's emails? Nice try Trump, cover up one lie with many more!
Sen. Graham bipartisan response to Comey being fired!
"a fresh start, may benefit the FBI and the country well". Ugh! It will help cover up Trump's law breaking ways! I took this quote from facebook, sorry no link to paste hear. Story from NBC Nightly News.
I have been away for awhile because I need some time to figure out if I could.....
make sense of where our country is headed! Well, I am back and I am madder then "Hell". Not only are the wing nuts (aka, the White House) driving the bus off the cliff, the GOP in the House and Senate are allowing them to destroy our democracy. I believe that this was the GOP's plan along? Let the goof ball win the White House and they will get everything they want? Confuse the public and make back handed deals? Now, today, Trump has fired yet another person who is not playing ball with him. Comey, who I thought was a walking disaster, is out. We wonder why? I think his investigation was going to blow the doors right off of Trump's corrupt dealings and Trump could not find a way out , so fire Comey? What did Comey find and how much does he know? I just hope that there is a hearing to find out, but I really hope now, we see a special prosecutor to finish the job? So many things have gone on just in the 120 days of this goof ball's administration, what is next?
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Name: MarkGender: Male
Hometown: Omaha, Ne
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Member since: Thu Aug 30, 2012, 02:56 AM
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