imanamerican63's JournalDid anyone catch Bill Maher's show last night?
Wow, Emily Miller! Is she that naive about what guns are for? Mr. Wilkerson made her look foolish with her own reasoning, not once, but several times!
Alarming fact about background checks.
As a truck driver, in order to get a job with certain companies. I have to go thru several background checks, which includes my finacial, health, driving, training & most importantly my criminal record. In order for me to get certified to haul any hazardous materials, I have to give my finger prints sent to the FBI and they do a vigorous check on me. Now, if I can follow the law, why can't gun owners & the NRA have laws they have follow?
McCain has just doubled down like Trump!
He says Pres. Obama is directly to blame for the Orlando shooting. He added that Pres. Obama is why ISIL had grown. Man! They'll say anything to get heard! One many jackasses!
Really Senator Creepy Cruz?
You questioned the right of our government officials to fill a buster when it does not fill your needs? What a jackass!
Nice job, Pres. Obama!
I am proud of him for telling Trump off! We need to hear this from every politician, all the way to the general election! Just like the movie, "American President", when Pres. Shepard (Douglas) told off his counter part.
When you add a word to another word, it does not change the meaning of that is being used!
Every GOP'er wants Obama to add the word "radical" to the terrorist actions. My thought is why? Trump is an idiot and adding "HUGE" to that phrase, does not change the fact he is an idiot! It goes to shows how the GOP folks try to make them sound smarter, which we all know they are not!
Another mass shooting at a night club in Orlando, Fla. early this morning.
20 killed and 42 injured. Thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the those killed and injured.
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