Donkees's JournalNYC Subway Strap-hangers advise Bernie :)
Bernie Sanders and Bill de Blasio chat with passengers on the A train on Monday, Oct. 30, 2017. (Credit: DNAinfo/Maya Rajamani)
Twitter Photo: Bernie and Bill De Blasio have lunch at Katz's
Twitter Photos: Bernie Sanders NYC Subway Event with Mayor Bill de Blasio
Photo: Bernie greeting students lined up at University of Toronto
Video Full Event: Senator Bernie Sanders, Toronto Ontario Canada, Sunday October 29 2017
Published on Oct 29, 2017
Senator Bernie Sanders, What The U.S. can learn from Canadian Healthcare, Convocation Hall, UofT, Toronto Ontario Canada, Sunday October 29 2017
Photo: Sen. Sanders arrives to visit the Toronto General Hospital
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders arrives to visit the Toronto General Hospital as part of a cross-border tour of the Canadian health care system on Saturday. (CHRISTOPHER KATSAROV / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
CityNews Toronto Video: Bernie Sanders visits Toronto
Published on Oct 28, 2017
U.S. senator Bernie Sanders is in Toronto to learn more about the Canadian healthcare system and how it works. He'll also be speaking at the University of Toronto on Sunday. Nitish Bissonauth with how the city is "feeling the Bern"
Bernie Sanders awed by Canadian health care
The Vermont senator and former presidential candidate says the great lesson he learned during a tour of Toronto hospitals is that Canadas health system is innovative, contrary to what he hears from U.S. critics.
By THERESA BOYLE Health Reporter
Sat., Oct. 28, 2017
Sanders said he was particularly impressed by his tour of Sinai Health Systems state-of-the-art neonatal intensive care unit. Built three years ago, it has separate rooms for each infant, which helps with infection control, privacy and noise. Pediatrician-in-chief Dr. Shoo Lee described a new model of care he has developed in which the parents of critically ill and premature infants serve as primary caregivers.
His tour of the hospital also took a stop at its billing office, where he seemed surprised to hear only one person worked.
Sanders also visited the Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital. There, he was told by medical director Dr. Barry Rubin that there was no waiting list at all for patients needing urgent surgery. Rubin explained that patients at the centre get high-quality health care from world-leading experts. Nobody thinks about the expense they are going to incur, Rubin said.
Sanders met with a patient who had recently undergone bypass surgery as well as a procedure to correct leaky heart valves. Sanders asked him how Canadians felt about paying more in taxes than Americans but not having to pay private health insurance.
The good thing is I have not had to worry about what this is costing, the patient said. I know it is expensive.
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