kairos12's JournalTonight you can count on CNN, during the VP Harris interview,
to do real time fact checking with multiple follow-up questions. Just like they do with Phony Soprano.
No, wait.....
The Tangerine Duce is nothing
but a draft-dodging, valor stealing, grave dancing, bone spur flaunting, gelatinous glob of filth.
Rant over.
Back to Moose and Squirrel.
Chump has called deceased veterans suckers and losers,
said he doesn't want to be seen with disabled veterans, and said the Medal of Honor is not a big deal.
MSM's outrage over these issues pales in comparison to their outrage at President Obama's....
tan suit.
Makes sense.
I just caught the vile image of Chump smiling at a graveside in Arlington.
As a vet I made it my business to visit military cemeteries all over Europe. From Ypres, to Bastogne, to Verdun, to the Argonne.
Never once did I see some ghoul standing in front of grave giving a thumbs up and smiling like a coked up banshee.
His presence at such hallowed locations defines defilement.
On CNN I heard some talking hair bag
say if VP Harris makes a mistake in the upcoming interview it will be a "disaster" for the campaign.
Meanwhile the same network that gave us camera feeds of empty podiums waiting for Cheeto Duce to show up always fact checks him.
Wait a minute.
As I was pouring my G&T I remember reading
that alcohol can damage your short-term memory.
Wow! Imagine what alcohol could do.
As MAGA zombies have the same
financial success as their leader they have terrible credit. Accordingly they look for someone who has good credit as a significant other.
MAGA chicanery.
So a "hard-working" MAGA
worker gets drug tested at work. This follows:
Boss: You tested positive for heroin.
MAGA: I ate a poppyseed bagel.
Boss: What about the PCP, meth, ketamine, and some horse dewormer drug?
MAG: it was an everything bagel.
Probably happened.
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