CorporatistNation's JournalSanders Campaign Press Release, "Media Anouncement UNFORTUNATE" ...IS GROSSLY PREMATURE!
Hillary by the DNC RULES Does not, nor will she have enough PLEDGED Delegates to secure the nomination... AS PER DNC RULES! Their OWN Fucking Rules!!!
Press Release
Sanders Campaign Statement
June 6, 2016
SAN FRANCISCO U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders spokesman, Michael Briggs, on Monday issued the following statement:
They include more than 400 superdelegates who endorsed Secretary Clinton 10 months before the first caucuses and primaries and long before any other candidate was in the race.
Our job from now until the convention is to convince those superdelegates that Bernie is by far the strongest candidate against Donald Trump.
Sanders Campaign Needs To Dump Tad Devine... Who IS ONLY Worried About His Next Job!
No infighting if you excise the CANCER!
Many people who support Bernie have done so when it was beyond their means to do so....
Maybe Bernie can find us... a place to go.. after the convention... because Bill Clinton publicly and in a very terse response to Bernie supporters ... emphatically stated "You're DONE!"?
Sanders Campaign Needs To Dump Tad Devine... Who IS ONLY Worried About His Next Job!
No infighting if you excise the CANCER!
Many people who support Bernie have done so when it was beyond their means to do so....
Maybe Bernie can find us... a place to go.. after the convention... because Bill Clinton publicly and in a very terse response to Bernie supporters ... emphatically stated "You're DONE!"?
Bernie And Jane Sanders House A Tour Click to watch videoA Very nice video that clearly illustrates WHO Bernie AND Jane Sanders are....
Days before the last major primaries of the 2016 campaign, Jane Sanders gave us a tour of her home in Burlington, Vt. A cream-clapboard Colonial with a red door on a quiet residential street, it is exactly the kind of house where youd expect doting grandparents to live.
There are family photos on all the walls of the Sanders five children and seven grandchildren, a clutter of knickknacks on all the shelves, and piles of mail, magazines and the stuff of daily life everywhere else.
In the room adjacent to the kitchen, the floor is covered with grandchildrens toys: drums, a keyboard things that make noise that their parents prefer stay here rather than come home. In the dining room, Sanders moves a miniature Nativity scene out of view. Weve hardly been home since Christmas, she says by way of explanation. Nearby is an antique sculpture of Don Quixote, which she asks that I not write about as a metaphor.
But its not the statue that cries out with symbolism. Its the framed prints on the walls nearby all scenes from the White House. They were commissioned and sent as Christmas cards every year of the Clinton presidency, and they bear the signatures of both Hillary and Bill Clinton. Which means Jane and Bernie Sanders sit in their dining room and gaze at greetings from the Clintons.
I guess maybe we should do something else with those, she says. Then she explains, proudly, that they were among the first things that her daughter, now a professional woodworker, custom-framed by hand, and you get the sense they arent going anywhere.
Bill Richardson On Ed Schultz Show Tonight: "Hillary Will Tell Putin We Tried It Your Way...
which is not working, so now we're gonna try it my way... I'm putting in a No Fly Zone over Syria..."
So THIS plan is somehow more responsible than Donald Trump's bombastic comments?
Anyone think that this might just increase the potential to start WWIII?
And what "pipeline" might these arms sales be going through?
So Hillary, Where Are Those Transcripts? One Way Or the Other, They ARE Going To Come Out!
The FACTS are NOT on Hillary's side here...
Hillary is in a disadvantageous position due to her near intimate relationship to Wall Street!
Now We Know Who Trump Fears... Hint... It's NOT Hillary!
The Super Delegates are going to have some soul searching to do come the Convention....
Anyone who denies that is ignoring the obvious.
Andrea Mitchell: "I Don't See How This Report Is Anything But DEVASTATING...
Given the fact that they have been making a completely different argument for more than a year... "
MSNBC 25 May 2016
Chuck Todd: "Because of This Breach, I Don't Think She Could Get Confirmed For Attorney General..."
MSNBC 26 May 2016WTF Is MSNBC Doing Showing Washington State Dem Primary Results When DEm Primary WON By Sanders
in March? Showing Hillary ahead... This is more PROPAGANDA... CORRUPTION ON A MASSIVE SYSTEMIC SCALE...Profile Information
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