CorporatistNation's JournalI Did Not Hear Mika on Morning Joe Mention The TRANSCRIPTS... Did I Miss Something?
After all, Mika said previously that the transcripts were in the hands of a Print Journalist...
I wonder why Mika would not confront Hillary in person about the transcripts... given that she spoke confidently on an earlier program that said transcripts were in the possession of a print journalist that she knows?
Mika... "I know a reporter that is in possession of the actual transcripts!"
Panelist..."The Exhaustion" with the Clintons...." Mika, "The Transcripts WILL Come out..."
The People are wondering... WHY won't Hillary release the transcripts... ?
So how much of this Clintonian obfuscation is the American Democratic electorate going to tolerate?
Hillary.... Hillary... psssstttt.... PSSSSST... Bernie released his... OOOOPPS... There ain't none Hillary!
Hillary Clinton, "Super Predators," "A Poor Choice of Words..."
In response to question from Chuck Todd just now on Meet The Press Daily relating to the protest by a young Black Lives Matter Activist at a private fundraiser for Hillary Clinton yesterday....This is the response from the candidate who if nothing else...
Chooses her words carefully in nearly every circumstance...
THIS is best she could come up with? Is attributing her past statement referring to young blacks merely being...
"A poor choice of words..."good enough? Is Hillary getting ... another pass on this?
The Bush Era Is Over. Clinton Is Next To Go!
He's Gone... Now we wait.... Hillary we're waiting....
If You Like Social Security Then You Better Send Bernie Some Ca$H!
Every little bit helps to push The REAL Democrat...
The ONE Candidate Who Is The Living Advocate For The People And NOT "The Corporation" AND The Oligarchy
The ONE Candidate whose Word Is Golden and personal character beyond reproach...
Reports Clinton Campaign Operatives CHEATING Stealing Votes? Looks Like 2000! Video!!!
There were also reports of supposed precinct volunteers registering new Democratic voters and automatically marking their preference for Hillary Clinton. Reddit user PPG113, who was caucusing at precinct 6686, alleged one precinct volunteer was working in tandem with the Clinton campaign:
registered early, followed directions at my caucus location. Had to re-register and the person copying my info attempted to marked me down for a different person than I told them. Only corrected after bringing it up 3 times
"The Volunteer was at the express desk, and no one seemed to know that were SUPPOSE to also still allow democratic party registration, though that is a different matter. Said volunteer clicked on Hillary on his screen when I told him clearly Bernie, he froze, and on my third repeat, he corrected it as I stared at him. What, if anything it changes, I do not know since it was not my ballet sheet he was marking. After an hour or so, he happened to walk into my precinct and to the Hillary groups tables."
And as US Uncut reported earlier today, Hillary Clinton supporters were seen changing into t-shirts made to look like the t-shirts worn by members of National Nurses United, which is one of Bernie Sanders most ardent union supporters.
The consumer website FreshDesk has launched a platform for observers to report irregularities at the Nevada caucus. The Sanders campaign has an official hotline, 702-778-4336, which supporters can use to report any issues getting in the way of voting.
Tom Cahill is a writer for US Uncut based in the Pacific Northwest. He specializes in coverage of political, economic, and environmental news. You can contact Tom via email at
As The Entry Polls Consistently Demonstrate, "It's Her Dishonesty Stupid!"
Elizabeth Warren Needs To Stand Up And Endorse Bernie Sanders NOW
BEFORE Super Tuesday... IF she truly cares about America...Bernie Sanders And Hillary Clinton Over The Years....
What are the consequences of a mis-cast vote?
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