LAS14's JournalWhere can I find exact figures for the Wisconsin Dist 10 special election?
I can't find anything at (Is that where to go?). The Wisconsin gov site doesn't go past the primary.
What was Mike Pence doing at a black Baptist church in Maryland?
Was it a campaign move? Does he regularly church hop? I'm glad he was there to hear the sermon ripping into Trump.
Satisfying little bit of gossip (Mike Pence in church). rips Trump....during sermon....while Mike Pence in congregation.
Does anyone know what portion of "the 37%" approve of the....
.... non-political aspects of Trump's behavior? That is, who are not just "approving" because they can't not approve of a Republican president? People who are "approving" because they think/behave like Trump, or wish they did?
The rot is everywhere. Video of dumping of half naked patient.
Has Trump given sanction to vile behavior? Or do we just see more of it because of cell phones?
It has come to this... I see good qualities in Paul Ryan and Rand Paul...
Our political system has become so totally, totally lacking in moral fiber, that I see people with evil policies, but who, it seems, are motivated by those policies, rather than hate for blacks or Democrats or women, as a glimmer of positivity.
Does this make sense?
P.S. Upon reading a lot of replies, I see that I need to make clear that I distinguish between a desire to implement economic policies which my turn out to be very cruel to lots of people, particularly the disenfranchised, and the desire to get rid of/put down/hurt those very people. In other words it's better to have a system where we can argue about what's best for the country, big or small government, more or fewer taxes, than a system where the primary motivation is to not give our black president any wins, no matter what the issue.
I understand that some of the respondents really do think Ryan and Paul are motivated in both ways. Instead, I see some self consistency that I prefer to plain old hatred.
Is Mia Love the only Repub to openly criticize Trump and his foul mouth?
Not to mention foul morals.
Why did s**thole change to shithole on the CNN crawl?
For the first half hour or so that I was watching (muted), Trump was quoted with asterisks. Then the asterisks were replaced with letters. Was any comment made about that?
Does anyone know where I can find a 1970's-1990's picture of Wolf Blitzer?
Google Images makes it look like he sprang from the womb with gray hair.
Was a cause ever found for the Amtrak Portland/Seattle derailment?
I've tried to find something via Google. All I found were reports from the time of the crash.
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