Deuxcents's JournalPlease explain this..
President Biden is in Surfside, Florida, today to console n get information on the collapse of the high rise condos. He is somber, trying to tell the community hes 100% behind them in their grief n will put all resources for them. Then..the press has questions..what are your thoughts about the indictments... What do you think about .. I am all for the free press but.. is this the time or place to ask politics? Isnt this insensitive? Who sends them there to ask such questions? This just irks me..not just this occasion but all the time. These questions have nothing to do with the venue. Is it just me or is this just too much? Biden should say..Ill get back with you on that n shun them. What say you?
Welp..I took a break from it all tonight
And caught up with Schitts Creek so damn funny. Ill get back to the madness later
Jacksonville bridge turns off lights
B/c of backlash for Pride month. My apologies..I m not a techie n dont know how to get this here.
Our governor was not pleased so lights out. Please help out my DU friends.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Florida
Home country: USA
Current location: Florida
Member since: Sat Dec 17, 2016, 09:37 PM
Number of posts: 19,920