Alpeduez21's JournalBeing nice to republicans is a waste of time
This does not mean spit on your neighbor or kill repukes dogs. It means STOP worrying that pushing a Democratic agenda will piss of Republicans and result in them retaliating with their own legislative agenda.
HELLOOOOO??? Where have people been? Republicans shoving their own agenda down our throats has been going on for decades. President Clinton was compromising with repukes then we got Bush and the fiasco that that was. President Obama was compromising with repukes and LOOK AT WHAT HAPPENED!!!
Don't for one second think a compromise with repukes will result in a benefit for us. It may help you sleep better at night but it won't help minorities get better lives. It won't help LBGTs have better lives. It won't protect Americans healthcare. It won't keep babies from getting ripped from their parents arms and thrown in a cage to live in their own filth. It won't protect single women from being forced into single motherhood.
Don't forget the lessons of Obama's first election win and the subsequent loss of congress and state legislatures in 2010. Keep your butts on the front lines and continue to vote like your lives depend on it.
One election will not rid us the repukes. They must be ground into the dust until they disappear or nominate decent people to the courts and for elected positions.
Taking the high road just means we hit the ground harder when pushed off it.
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