Soph0571's JournalTrump: Emit Wind From The Anus

Tis true. To Trump is to secrete a noxious foul smelling odour to the discomfort of everyone around you. Pretty much sums it up, huh?
Proof that free speech is no guarantee of intelligent, rational, and/or reasonable speech

They will believe anything. Loons
Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'its not a crime'
Speaking to The New York Times Thursday, Trump praised lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who has argued that Trumps firing of former FBI Director James Comey was not obstruction of justice because Trump has the right to fire the head of the bureau.
I watched Alan Dershowitz the other day, he said, No. 1, there is no collusion, No. 2, collusion is not a crime, but even if it was a crime, there was no collusion, Trump told The Times. And he said that very strongly. He said there was no collusion. And he has studied this thing very closely. Ive seen him a number of times.
Washington Post data reporter uncovered a stunningly hypocritical error message on Trump's website

This has to be a made up, right?
Republican OUTRAGE??? Wherefore Art Thou????

Saving their outrage for pizza and Benghazi bullshit, eh?
Facebook and Twitter have three weeks to hand over details of Russian interference in Brexit ballot
After being exploited by Russian troll farms, Facebook takes new steps to fight 'fake news'
The committee had requested extensive information about Russian interference in the referendum which included details about fake accounts, fake news and the accounts of those accused of propagating misinformation.
Collins described as "inadequate" the move by the companies to only hand over advertising spending information, which they had already given the Electoral Commission.
Trump Thinks Global Warming Is Good Because This Might Be the Coldest New Year's Eve Ever

Fucking idiot is going to destroy our planet
What is your favourite poem????
For me:
I lay waiting
between turf-face and demesne wall,
between heathery levels
and glass-toothed stone.
My body was braille
for the creeping influences:
dawn suns groped over my head
and cooled at my feet,
through my fabrics and skins
the seeps of winter
digested me,
the illiterate roots
pondered and died
in the cavings
of stomach and socket.
I lay waiting
on the gravel bottom,
my brain darkening,
a jar of spawn
fermenting underground
dreams of Baltic amber.
Bruised berries under my nails,
the vital hoard reducing
in the crock of the pelvis.
My diadem grew carious,
gemstones dropped
in the peat floe
like the bearings of history.
My sash was a black glacier
wrinkling, dyed weaves
and phoenician stitchwork
retted on my breasts
soft moraines.
I knew winter cold
like the nuzzle of fjords
at my thighs
the soaked fledge, the heavy
swaddle of hides.
My skull hibernated
in the wet nest of my hair.
Which they robbed.
I was barbered
and stripped
by a turfcutters spade
who veiled me again
and packed coomb softly
between the stone jambs
at my head and my feet.
Till a peers wife bribed him.
The plait of my hair,
a slimy birth-cord
of bog, had been cut
and I rose from the dark,
hacked bone, skull-ware,
frayed stitches, tufts,
small gleams on the bank.
By the late and the great Seamus Heaney. Simply magnificent.
The GOP's Newest Nazi Candidate Just Doubled Down on His Antisemitism
While Nehlen is running on Trumpism, hatred of immigrants, hatred of Muslims, hatred of the LGBT community, he's also running an openly antisemitic campaign specifically to appeal to groups like the KKK and neo-Nazis. A bold move but one that could very well pay off for him. Remember, Republican primaries are controlled by the most extre
Here's one of his latest tweets bragging about reading Keven MacDonald's The Culture of Critique, an astonishingly anti-Jewish "study" into the "evolutionary psychology" of Jews that just happens to reaffirm every ugly and hateful stereotype antisemitic imbeciles have ever come up with
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Member since: Fri Oct 13, 2017, 05:59 PM
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