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Kid Berwyn

Kid Berwyn's Journal
Kid Berwyn's Journal
March 30, 2023

Thank you -- and from Obi Wan...

The Force they worship…

That was 1993…a couple of million gun victims ago.
March 29, 2023

Fox News CEO: Fact-Checking Trump Election Lies "Bad for Business."

Fox News CEO said correspondent’s fact-check of Trump’s election lies was ‘bad for business,’ new emails show

By Oliver Darcy and Marshall Cohen, CNN
CNN, Wed March 29, 2023

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott sounded the alarm inside the company about the financial fallout that the right-wing network would suffer if it continued fact-checking then-President Donald Trump’s lies after the 2020 election, according to messages that became public Wednesday.

In one instance, Scott emailed Meade Cooper, executive vice president of prime time programming, and laced into correspondent Eric Shawn for fact-checking Trump.

“This has to stop now,” Scott said in a December 2, 2020, message.

“This is bad for business and there is a lack of understanding what is happening in these shows,” Scott added. “The audience is furious and we are just feeding them material. Bad for business.”


In another email written by Scott, zinging host Dana Perino for her “dismissive tone” in November 2020 after the presidential contest, the Fox News chief disclosed that the company had “lost 25k subs from FOX NATION,” its streaming service.



Fox a News Corpse
March 29, 2023

Makes sense, but there's more.

Fat Tony Scalia and now his ventriloquist dummy Clarence Mumbles Thomas have done all they could to put machine guns in the hands of the most vicious dimwits this greedhead system for warmongering has ever produced. Drug-addled turds like the late NAZI gasbag Rush Limbaugh made hatred for one’s fellow Americans normal. It isn’t to bring “freedom,” but rather to arm a significant section of the civilian population to the teeth. IMFO, they plan on assisting some ultra-conservative NAZI p-resident in the near-future round up the communists, socialists, liberals, progressives, and Democrats when ordered — especially, you know, the woke.

Remember REX-84…

During the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings, the following exchange took place between Representative Jack Brooks of Texas, Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, and Brendan Sullivan, attorney for Colonel Oliver North, during North's testimony before Congress:

REPRESENTATIVE BROOKS: Colonel North, in your work at the NSC, were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?

BRENDAN SULLIVAN: Mister Chairman?

SENATOR INOUYE: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so I request that you not touch on that.

REPRESENTATIVE BROOKS: I was particularly concerned, Mister Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was the area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.

SENATOR INOUYE: May I most respectfully request that this matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I'm certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.




March 28, 2023

"I Have the Right to Take Stuff."

‘I Have the Right to Take Stuff’:

Trump Assures Hannity He’d Take Government Documents After Host Tells Him He Wouldn’t

Story by Michael Luciano
Mediaite • Yesterday 9:54 PM


“I’ve known you for decades,” Hannity said to Trump during an interview on Monday night on Fox News. “I can’t imagine you ever saying, ‘Bring me some of the boxes that we brought back from the White House. I’d like to look at them.’ Did you ever do that?”

“I would have the right to do that,” Trump responded. “There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“But I know you,” Hannity said. “I don’t think you would do it.”

Trump replied by disabusing Hannity of the idea he wouldn’t do that by telling him, yes, he would.

“I don’t have a lot of time, but I would have the right to do that,” he said. “I would do that.”

“All right, let me move on,” Hannity said, trying to steer Trump away from the topic.


March 26, 2023

A short history of everyone who confirmed October Surprise in NYT

And yet, for some reason even in their own reportage, The New York Times doesn’t like to mention it.


A lot of people beyond Ben Barnes have said that Reagan’s 1980 election campaign conspired to keep American hostages in Iran.

by Jon Schwarz
The Intercept, March 24 2023

ON SATURDAY, THE New York Times published a blockbuster story that said two prominent Texas Republicans flew across the Mideast in the summer of 1980 for secret meetings with regional leaders to urge them to tell Iran to keep the U.S. hostages in Tehran until after the election that pitted GOP candidate Ronald Reagan against then-President Jimmy Carter.

The Times reported that Ben Barnes, a key figure in Texas politics, said he made the trip with former Texas Gov. John Connally, a major supporter of Reagan’s campaign, and that when they returned home, Connally met in an airport lounge with William Casey, who’d been a top U.S. spy during World War II and was then Reagan’s campaign manager. Connally and Casey discussed the trip, according to Barnes, who The Times quoted as saying, “History needs to know that this happened.” After Reagan beat Carter in a landslide, Reagan appointed Casey head of the Central Intelligence Agency.


This memo from Beach and the mysterious cable from the Madrid embassy were somehow never turned over to the House investigation. Lee Hamilton, an Indiana Democrat who’d led the inquiry, wrote a letter to then-Secretary of State John Kerry in 2016 asking for the cable. He did not receive it. For Kai Bird’s book “The Outlier,” which includes a chapter of additional evidence about an October Surprise, Bird submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for the cable. The State Department likewise has not produced it for Bird — even after he filed a lawsuit in 2019 — informing him that they can’t find it.

At this point, even James Baker, first Reagan’s chief of staff and later his treasury secretary (and then Bush’s secretary of state), won’t say Casey wasn’t in Madrid. Asked about it by one-time Carter staffer Stuart Eizenstat, he responded: “Would I be surprised if Casey did it? There is nothing about Casey that would surprise me. He is a piece of work.”




March 25, 2023

People were so ticked about Watergate...

…that Carter still beat Ford in 1976.

Yet, Nixon skated. Again.

Nixon in the Jungle

by Jim Hougan


The story surfaced, briefly, some 20 years later, when the New York Times reported that Nixon, "while on a private trip to Vietnam in 1964, met secretly with the Vietcong and ransomed five American prisoners of war for bars of gold. : . ." [5] In reporting this, the Times relied upon a report published in the catalog of a Massachusetts autograph dealer. The dealer was selling a handwritten note that Nixon had given to one of his bodyguards. The note read, “To Hollis Kimmons with appreciation for his protection for my helicopter ride in Vietnam, from Richard Nixon."

The value of the note was increased by the circumstances that generated it, circumstances that Sergeant Kimmons described in the catalog:

When Nixon arrived at Ton Son Nhut Airport in Saigon, Sergeant Kimmons was assigned to security detail and was accompanying Nixon on all excursions away from the 145th Aviation Battalion where Nixon was staying. On the second day, Nixon dressed in Army fatigues with no identification and climbed aboard a helicopter with Sergeant Kimmons and a crew of four. [6]

They proceeded to Phuoc Binh, a village northwest of Saigon, where they met with Father Wa, a go-between that arranged the exchange of the gold for U. S. prisoners. The following day, Nixon and his party departed for An Loc, a village south of Phuoc Binh, where in a clearing somewhere in this area Nixon met with a Vietcong lieutenant who established a price for the return of five U.S. prisoners.

A location for the exchange was arranged and the crew departed for Saigon. Later the same day, the crew, this time without Nixon because of the extreme danger, departed for Phumi Kriek, a village across the border in Cambodia. A box loaded with gold bars so heavy it took three men to lift it on the helicopter accompanied the crew.

At the exchange point, five U.S. servicemen were rustled out of the jungle accompanied by several armed soldiers. The box of gold was unloaded and checked by the Vietcong lieutenant and the exchange was made without incident. The crew and rescued prisoners immediately departed for Saigon, and they were sent to the hospital upon their arrival.

Sergeant Kimmons's mission was secret, and there were no written orders for his duty during this period. His clothes were destroyed as well as the film in his camera, and he signed an agreement not to reveal this incident for 20 years. Nixon's note to him was hurriedly written at the conclusion of his assignment to guard Nixon on the following day. [7]

That Nixon traveled to Vietnam in 1964 is a matter of fact. He departed the United States in late March on a round-the-world trip that took him, first, to Beirut, and then to Karachi, Calcutta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and Saigon. There, he dined with the American Ambassador, Henry Cabot Lodge, who had been his running mate in the 1960 Presidential race. In the days that followed, Nixon helicoptered into the countryside, [8] and then continued on to Hong Kong, Manila, Taiwan, and Tokyo before returning home. [9] Nixon later wrote that the purpose of the trip was to meet with Mudge, Rose clients and foreign leaders. Contemporary reports make it obvious, however, that the real purpose of the trip was to drum up international support for what was about to become America's massive intervention in Vietnam. [10]

There is nothing in the Times' account to suggest that the exchange of gold on April 3 was in any way relevant to the impending escalation of the war, but the possibility is an intriguing one. The Times' article is anything but conclusive. On the contrary, it simply parrots the cover story that Sergeant Kimmons had been given, while at the same time neglecting to identify the mission's middleman, the so-called “Father Wa.”



Infinite capacity for evil, these bastard traitors.
March 24, 2023

GOP Always CHEATS Because It's the Only Way They Can Win

1968 - Nixon-Agnew dealt with North Vietnam to sabotage Paris peace talks

1980 - Reagan-Bush dealt with Ayatollah hostage takers

1988 - Bush pardons Weinberger and other Iran-Contra traitors to avoid trial and exposing his own role

2000 - Bush-Cheney count on GOP-leaning Supreme Court to “win” Florida and, thus, US election

2016 - Trump calls on Russia for help to defeat Hillary Clinton

The record is clear: In Presidential election after Presidential election, Republicans get away with treason.

We hear, “It’s just politics.” Then we are told to, “Move on.” And the GOP gets away with it, again.

Thus, today, Treason is a regular part of life in today’s USA and The MAGA think it’s normal to be NAZI.
March 24, 2023

Books make kids woke.

AKA “enlightened.”

March 23, 2023

Lock them up.

Dick Cheney's Biggest Lie

Newsweek, 05/19/15


And for any analysts unclear on what the administration wanted to hear, Vice President Dick Cheney, whom several Bush officials told me was not as smart as the president, made sure they got the message on August 26, 2002, when he delivered a public speech that had not been vetted by the White House or cleared by Bush. "There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction,'' he said. "There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us."

The clear message to the worker bees at the CIA: The White House knew Saddam had the weapons. Disagree at peril to your career.


March 22, 2023

Republicans get away with treason.

“It’s just politics.”

1968 - Nixon-Agnew dealt with North Vietnam to sabotage Oaris peace talks

1980 - Reagan-Bush dealt with Ayatollah hostage takers

1988 - Bush pardons Wineberger and other Iran-Contra traitors to avoid trial and exposing his own role

2000 - Bush-Cheney count on GOP-leaning Supreme Court to “win” Florida and, thus, US election

2016 - Trump calls on Russia for help to defeat Hillary Clinton

Other than that, Treason is a regular part of life in today’s USA.

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Member since: Mon May 6, 2019, 08:01 PM
Number of posts: 16,263

About Kid Berwyn

I am the DUer who once posted as Octafish. Ask me about the BFEE.
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