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Showing Original Post only (View all)They are NOT unintended consequences [View all]
Humans have known for centuries how dangerous childbirth can be. Modern medicine has given us the means to make it less so, allowing women to take more control over their lives and their bodiescontrol that many men are bitter at having lost, and that many unenlightened women believe to be a burden they would just as soon relinquish. (Lookin at you, Amy). But even so, pregnancy and childbirth are inherently risky.
So the horror stories that are making the news since the Dobbs decision hurled us all back into the dark ages were NOT unforeseen. Indeed, women more intelligent than I have been sounding the alarm about the dangers of overturning Roe since
well, since Roe was decided.
We all knew that rape victims, even ten-year-old rape victims, would be denied the chance to ever heal from the attack, and instead be forced to relive it over and over again, nurturing its result with our very blood. We knew that women would be forced into life-threatening situations where only days or even hours earlier, a routine surgical option would have been performed to the relief of everyone involved. We knew people would suffer excruciating pain, financial disaster, emotional agony, and even death. We all knew.
So I am forced to conclude that the five justices who have inflicted this new reality on us intended for it to happen, wanted it to happen.
Why? Well, thats between them and their sick, twisted so-called god.
I, for one, am all out of fucks to give. I no longer feel compelled to follow the laws of a country that can so easily dismiss me as a person, endanger my life and the lives of my loved ones, and threaten prosecutionfucking CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONof those who would attend me.
They did this to us on purpose. I firmly believe that.
Im not saying I want to burn it all to the goddamn ground. But I am keeping my matches handy.