Once Republicans become rare to the point of extinction, we may choose to legislate some qualifying parameters.
Right now, I'd settle for imprisonment for people who choose to delete the sound of "T" from their speech.* I was at a surgeon's office yesterday, he was training a PA. The surgeon's name was Martin. This highly educated, though yet young, PA in training told me Dr. Mar-in would be in momen-arily. This is a thing people. For some reason the current Valley-Girlesque Californication of the American dialect demands we ignore the "T"'s in our spoken language in order to show we're in on the latest joke on old people. It's in the mouths of newscasters and other public speakers too. We just woke up one day and that's how it was. I guess it's the latest version of wearing leather slippers without socks (even if you had plenty of socks) so popular in the 60's. Another stupid fad gone rogue. The future is that we'll all be killed on a table in an operating room surrounded by "surround sound" playing whale noises at top volume, being cut on by some bimbo with no socks and who talks like an infant. "Wha- were the pa-ients vi-als a- the -ime when his hear- ra-e stopped? Oh and -urn up the whales, that moni-or is -oo loud, tha-s my favori-e par-." It's another one of those goddamned curses leveled on us for allowing cell phones and texting to exist along with the nothing-but-comic-book-heroes cinema culture while universal health care is still a debate. Oh, the humani-y!
* BTW My actual Last name has a T right in the middle of it. You can't say my freaking name without making a T sound. It sounds like a tire puncture without the T, dammit. Excuse me, I mean- -ire punc-ure.