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It seems to be so very hard to maintain detachment of mind in the midst of raging fire.
-- Gandhi
On Monday, my cousin met with the District Attorney who will prosecute the person who shot him and his son. This included hearing about -- and seeing photographs documenting -- the extent of his sons injuries. An off-duty law enforcement officer who was enraged by the young mans obeying the speed limit shot both of my relatives. My cousin held his son in his arms as the young man died. Then, although seriously wounded from being shot, my cousin got up and wrote the murderers plate number in the dirt on their jeeps back window, before collapsing.
On Tuesday, my cousin and I attended a pre-trial hearing regarding what evidence may or may not be allowed in. For example, when the police eventually went to the murderers house, to retrieve a large arsenal of weapons, the guy had a poster featuring a picture of a hand gun, with the words, We Dont Call 911. The DA believes that shows the defendants general state of mind; the defense attorney calls it prejudicial.
The actual trial starts next Monday. Since it is a non-jury trial (at the murderers request), it should only take three days. It will be good to get the trial behind us. Of course, he will appeal his conviction, and the process will continue. There is never true closure.
It is very painful for my cousin to see autopsy pictures, or to sit in the same courtroom with this obscenely smug thug. He seems to consider the numerous officers with rifles, guarding him as he is brought to the court, and the many officers on duty inside the court, as his personal honor guard. This, despite the fact that they treat him exactly the same as they do any other accused murderer.
Yesterday, while I was away attending a medical appointment, another of my cousins came and prepared for a sweat lodge ceremony. He used 48 cobbles -- 36 of white quartz, and 12 of black flint. Although he is from the other side of my extended family, he knows my cousin and son who were shot. Hell be attending the trial with us next week. He knew that Id benefit from ceremony
Between now and Monday morning, I will be focused upon preparing for the trial. Ill spend time with my cousin. Ill talk with others about preparing victims impact statements. Ill pick up my youngest daughter, as her professors are all very supportive of her missing class to attend the trial. And I will spend some time alone, out at my pond, with its large fire-pit, and the lodge nearby.
Ill feed the fish and the birds, and begin gathering firewood for the next ceremony. There are already enough stones to do a couple sweats after the trial ends.
(Note: Next week, Ill try my best to post daily updates, with links to local media sources, etc. I really appreciate all of the support that community members here have provided for my family and myself, throughout this ordeal.)