Using the bathroom and who can use it idiocy [View all]
I originally posted this in the LGBT forum, but I think it fits in general, as well.
Can everybody please get the F*CK out of the bathroom?
I remember someone once asked Dear Abby if it was wrong to use the handicapped stall if there was a line. She replied that if you have to go that bad, you have a handicap.
That is relevant because we go into the damn bathroom for business. It's not business we delight in - it is called "waste". We don't go in there to make friends, we go in there to drop friends off.
I doubt that there is a single female concert/sports event goer that has not peed in the men's room - they cleared it out for us.
Do you think I want to go in a public bathroom? No. The toilet paper sucks. Do you think I want to linger in a public bathroom? Don't even attempt to make eye contact with me.
I could give two shits (ha!) if Vladamir Putin is on one side, and Kim Jong whatever Ur is on the other. If I have to go, we are all in the same quandry.
Get over the fact that someone you disagree with might hear you tinkle.
Tinkle, wash your hands and get the hell out of there. Nobody in there is any more thrilled to be in a public bathroom than you are!