General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Would you personally be willing to take up arms to prevent red states from seceding? [View all]RANGER295
(1 post)Given the fact that the reds make up the majority of the gun owners I think the blues would be seriously outgunned. Also most of the military people I know would side with the reds. I think you would see wide spread desertion from the military and law enforcement ranks and these people going to support the reds. I think for either of us to make a move to succeed would be stupid. Look at a geographical election map. Most of the country is red geographically. It is mostly the big cities that and densely populated states that are blue. The red states (with the exception of my home state of California) grow most of the food and fiber crops. We would find a situation where the red states control most of the agricultural production. Also, how would we handle being split up? Most of the blue states are on the two coasts and would be split by a belt of red. So... red states have most of the guns/more red gun owners, .mil types tend to support red, most ag production would be red, and a couple thousand miles of red between the blue states = I do not think it would be a good idea so I would try to stop it before it went to a war.