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In reply to the discussion: Republicans To Obama On Taxes: Let’s Compromise By Not Raising Taxes [View all]jmowreader
(51,696 posts)Sane GOP politicians - an endangered species - see welfare spending as a necessary evil. By 'welfare spending' I mean any spending that promotes the social welfare, so to them old age pensions, veterans benefits and other such expenditures are welfare.
They know undernourishment of children was the primary cause of medical rejection in World Wars I and II, so they will accept child nutrition programs - not because it's the right thing to do but because rickets and pellagra victims can't be in the army.
Similarly, they know adults who have no food money will steal anything, nailed-down or not, for groceries.
And they also know desperate people will suffer any degradation gladly to get what they need. They would have kept paper food stamps, which fairly scream "look at me, I'm a freeloader," if only they could have kept them from becoming "ghetto money."
Those things don't prevent the GOP kingpins from turning people into slaves because it's fun. The teabaggers are a different story: they are so focused on taxes they'd privatize the fire department to save a nickel on their tax bill. After all, if your house catches fire your insurance company can pay for it...not realizing your insurance would go up faster than your taxes down, as insurance rates partially hinge on the presence of government employees with hoses. The baggers would cut off all social spending because Ayn Rand's books made them hate it.(Yes, I know Rand was on government assistance at the end of her life.)
I don't know what the solution is, except to let them move to Canada and not let them come back when they find out what liberal society is really like.