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Grey Lemercier

(1,429 posts)
44. I have not attacked progressives ever, I have simply said that doing away with identity politics is
Mon Dec 26, 2016, 06:19 AM
Dec 2016

not only immoral, but a guaranteed loser in elections. I also refuse to allow you to conflate 3rd-way neoliberal economics with identity politics. That is, IMHO a thinly veiled attempt to promote a RW meme that attacks the base of the party, ie., us minorities.

Sanders got thumped by Hillary in the primary. he would have gotten hammered in the general election. Bernies does not single-handedly represent progressivism in the USA and he certainly has made some really dodgy comments, especially after the election.

Bernie trashed Hillary with a RW meme:

"That's just the truth. Running against the most unpopular presidential candidate in history, the Republicans have just won the White House.”


The results are now final: Clinton wins popular vote by nearly 3 million


Hillary Clinton secured nearly 3 million more votes than President-elect Donald Trump in the final popular vote tally, which by Wednesday morning was certified in all 50 states and Washington, DC.

The Democratic presidential nominee ended up with more than 65.84 million votes, compared with the more than 62.97 million ballots cast for the president-elect.

Of course, Trump won the Electoral College and thus the presidency by pulling off narrow wins in traditionally Democratic states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, while Clinton ran up higher vote totals than President Barack Obama did in the 2012 election in states like California, Texas, and Arizona.

Clinton's popular vote total fell just short of Obama's 2012 result, by fewer than 75,000 votes. Trump secured the most votes of any Republican presidential candidate in history.

In terms of overall percentage, Trump's 2.1% loss in the popular vote was the third-lowest mark for a victor in the past 49 elections. Trump's share of electoral votes ranked 46th out of 58 elections.


Sanders slams identity politics as Democrats figure out their future


Bernie Sanders said Monday that the path to success for Democrats has to be through more than just identity politics, adding that it’s simply not enough for the party to base its appeals on diversity.

“It’s not good enough for someone to say, ‘I’m a woman! Vote for me!’” No, that’s not good enough. What we need is a woman who has the guts to stand up to Wall Street, to the insurance companies, to the drug companies, to the fossil fuel industry,” the Vermont independent senator and former Democratic presidential candidate said in a not-so-subtle rebuke to Hillary Clinton.

Sanders spoke during a book tour stop in Boston, according to video and a transcript of his answer, and was answering in response to a question about advice for an aspiring politician who wants to become the second Latino senator.


Bernie Sanders still says class is more important than race. He is still wrong


It appears that in the aftermath of a monumental but nonetheless failed presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders remains most comfortable in the spot that made him a loser: trying to separate class and race.

Sanders has never been wrong about the damaging roles establishment politics and economics play in the lives of millions of Americans. Even so, he’s long struggled with acknowledging that focusing on class alone won’t make this country better for many who are struggling. That the revolution cannot be colorblind if it were to truly make this country better for all of the disenfranchised.

At a speech in Boston on Sunday, the Vermont senator advocated “going beyond identity politics,” declaring, “The working class of this country is being decimated — that’s why Donald Trump won. And what we need now are candidates who stand with those working people, who understand that real median family income has gone down.”

Yes, it has. But Sanders, like the others parading this pedestrian punditry in the aftermath of the news that most white people voted for Donald Trump, is missing the point while continuing to promote the very ideas that sunk him during the primary. He lost many potential voters of color because we know colour-blind economic policies alone will not change certain realities of racism in America. They might “make America great again”, but only for people who have always had it pretty good.

In October, when asked in a New Republic profile how uncomfortable he appeared talking about race, he answered, “OK, see, this is an issue I’m not really – what I don’t want to do is get into me.” When told that it wasn’t about him per se, Sanders said, “It’s a complicated answer. It’s a good question, but I prefer not to get into it right now.”


Why Black Voters Don’t Feel the Bern
Sanders’ debate stumble on race issues and Hillary’s sure-footed answer help explain why she’s getting most of the African-American vote.


When it came to most issues at the Democratic debate in Flint Sunday night, Bernie Sanders was his usual crusty, confident self. But when CNN’s Don Lemon asked a seemingly innocuous question—“What racial blind spot do you have?”—the senator from lily-white Vermont stumbled, reaching for an ancient bromide from his long-ago Brooklyn childhood. "When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto, you don't know what it's like to be poor," Sanders said.

Social media erupted. “He knows that all Black people don't live in ghettos, right?” Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post tweeted. MSNBC’s Joy Reid was also flummoxed. “Of course, many white Americans know exactly what it's like to ‘live in the ghetto.’ Many, including immigrants have, do and did,” she tweeted. “Most African-Americans are not poor. The AA poverty rate is too high, of course, at about 28%, but that's not most or all.”

Hillary Clinton, by contrast, responded to the same question with a detailed account of her lifelong journey in racial awareness, pushing most of the right buttons. She invoked “the talk” that African-American parents need to have with their kids and white parents don’t--“scared that your sons or daughters, even, could get in trouble for no good reason whatsoever like Sandra Bland and end up dead in a jail in Texas." She talked of spending time with Trayvon Martin’s mother, and how it taught her the need “to tear down the barriers of systemic racism that are in the criminal justice system.” She reminisced about her days as a young law student working for her mentor, Marian Wright Edelman, the founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, who had sent her into the Deep South to expose racial discrimination in schools and in jails during the civil rights era.

The different answers somehow encapsulated what has happened so far in this campaign. Clinton has clobbered Sanders in states, mainly in the South, with large African-American populations, propelling her to what may be an insurmountable lead in delegates. Bottom line, Hillary Clinton has street cred on the racial issue that Bernie Sanders lacks.


when we tell the story of the great democrat FDR, we conveniently leave out La Lioness Priyanka Dec 2016 #1
Black people have a huge amount of power in The US. Ligyron Dec 2016 #2
Nothing they can say to these people will change anything bravenak Dec 2016 #3
That isn't what Sanders, or most of us want at all. MLK understood that people could change. If he JCanete Dec 2016 #6
Sanders is not MLK and the comparison is insensitive at best and appropriation assuredly bravenak Dec 2016 #7
But he marched to see Martin!...nt SidDithers Dec 2016 #8
Groan.... bravenak Dec 2016 #10
Well, actually, he rode the chartered bus from Chicago, then marched there from the parking lot ... EffieBlack Dec 2016 #12
LOL bravenak Dec 2016 #18
You say that like it's a bad thing NWCorona Dec 2016 #32
what the fuck. That is not what I did, and it is really lame for you to try to say I did that, JCanete Dec 2016 #14
It's lame to jump straight to MLK when he was never the subject then accuse me of going bravenak Dec 2016 #17
Just so you know, I use MLK because I admire him and personally think of him as a hero. Exactly JCanete Dec 2016 #22
Once MLK became weaponized against us, he lost that usefulness for us. bravenak Dec 2016 #23
Sadly, so did Malcolm X. But your point is taken, and I hate to be trite. I really don't think JCanete Dec 2016 #24
Blavk lives Matter is serving the purpose they set out for bravenak Dec 2016 #25
She didnt read past the first semtence in your post. jack_krass Dec 2016 #54
You just put a shitload of words in that posters mouth., fwiw. dionysus Dec 2016 #28
Why even bring him up in that context? It's a pattern bravenak Dec 2016 #30
I saw leople pointing out that he was indeed involved in supporting civilrights, i did not see anyon dionysus Dec 2016 #31
Racists will still vote GOP, but Bernie would do a lot better than 3rd way identity politics jfern Dec 2016 #4
So you favour tossing us PoC, LGBTQ, and women under the bus? Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #33
Nope, but what needs to go is the idea that Bernie's supporters are all racist and sexist white male jfern Dec 2016 #35
strawmen, as no one made any absolute statements about all Bernie supporters being racists, nor Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #36
3rd way identity politics attacked Bernie supporters as being sexist and racist jfern Dec 2016 #37
there is no such as "3rd way identity politics" as I thoroughly explained above Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #39
President Trump should thank you for your gaslighting of progressives. jfern Dec 2016 #40
gaslighting progressives??? YOU are the one tossing minorities like myself under the bus Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #41
I never did shit to throw minorities under the bus jfern Dec 2016 #43
I have not attacked progressives ever, I have simply said that doing away with identity politics is Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #44
Again, it's a divisive lie to claim Bernie only cares about economic issues jfern Dec 2016 #45
Again with the blatant misrepresentations, projection and ad hominem Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #46
That Vox calculator is a total fraud. jfern Dec 2016 #47
weak sauce, a hyper-technical analysis of the tax plan that would have been deluged by the RW hit Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #48
The Cold War ended 25 years ago, red-baiting isn't going to work the way it would have jfern Dec 2016 #50
He is NOT a democratic socialist, ffs Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #51
Poster is doing a fine job right here of pointing out the ugly of his own base. Shameful indeed lunasun Dec 2016 #53
MANY white working class folks voted for Obama. This is just true. And Bernie is not trying to RBInMaine Dec 2016 #5
Nobody said the word ALL bravenak Dec 2016 #20
What people always seem to gloss over is every single white person and every other boston bean Dec 2016 #38
We sure can bravenak Dec 2016 #42
no shit!! so so so sick of people using blatant misrepresentation , projection and ad hominem Grey Lemercier Dec 2016 #49
The lie that Trump won because of economic populism... joshcryer Dec 2016 #9
So the MANY white voters who voted for Obama and switched to Trump are ALL racists? RBInMaine Dec 2016 #11
How many actually did this? Don't guess or speculate. What are the numbers? EffieBlack Dec 2016 #13
It's a manufactured talking point. bravenak Dec 2016 #19
Far more stayed home than switched. joshcryer Dec 2016 #27
yes all Trump voters are racists. stonecutter357 Dec 2016 #52
Looks like not everyone agrees with your assessment of the white working class. jalan48 Dec 2016 #15
I expect Joe to say that, but he of all people should know.. JHan Dec 2016 #21
Racism is a real, yet still one of several, reasons why people voted for snifler. dionysus Dec 2016 #29
Yah, Joe's obviously a racist. Or is it sexists, maybe both. And also probably not a "real Democrat" jack_krass Dec 2016 #56
Let's find out :) Tiggeroshii Dec 2016 #16
+1, +++++++++ OBAMA WASN'T RUNNING AGAINST OVERT RACIST EITHER ++++++++++ uponit7771 Dec 2016 #26
HRC won the popular vote, BS would have won the popular vote. Rex Dec 2016 #34
"Racist white Americans" are a statistically insignificant voting block. What Sanders, or successor jack_krass Dec 2016 #55
Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»Bernie Sanders could not,...»Reply #44