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Emrys's Journal
Emrys's Journal
July 25, 2024

Musk's trans daughter, Vivian Jenna Wilson, savagely ragdolls him on ... Threads

Post by @vivllainous
View on Threads

In this case, I'm very glad that the apple apparently fell far from the tree.
July 23, 2024

This is what a childless cat lady looks like

Personally, I've always preferred the term "child-free", but maybe that's open to misinterpretation.

This is from TikTok:

And this, well ...

Damn fool Republicans never had much sense about what fights to pick.

July 22, 2024

*SNORT* Now Twitter loons are going full birther on Biden's withdrawal letter

At times like these, I console myself that at least these people aren't out and about in the real world harassing folks and livestock.

Valerie NV9L

That's not his signature. Why no White House stationery and presidential seal?

Andrew Wilhelmy

No speech by the President? No sign of the President? No White House press conference? A post on X? On a Sunday?

How does anyone know that any of this is legit? This is the President of United States. None of this makes any sense.

This is all truly bizarre.

FL Freedom Zone Resident

Does Biden even know he dropped out? No televised address; no White House letterhead; different signature.

A Sitting President of the United States just dropped out on a social media platform and no one bats an eye. Are you kidding me??

Kristina Revay

Maybe Zients resigned him.

Where’s Waldo? Who is running this country?

Does Biden even know this has occurred? No White House letterhead, no taped video appearance?

This is what a silent coup looks like.

Justin Jackson

No White House letter head. Non conforming signature. The “B” isn’t remotely the same. Seems suspicious.


The POTUS resigned by a tweet wtf, no official White House press release, the statement on unofficial paper, No Seal of the President on the paper no White House seal, @ sky news why are you not investigating this. Imagine it was Trump you would be frothing

John Knox

Or, it was a straight up coup and the letter was posted without his authorization, hence no White House seal. They posted it then went to Jill and said take the deal or the money goes away…no fat presidential library fund to live off…that’s why she’s so furious. Coup.

time of news


Was his signature forged or was it a rubber stamp of his signature? Anyone notice no White House letterhead or Presidential Stamp at the top of his letter and someone used his X account to post the PDF of it, we all know it was not Joe who posted it, so who?

Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit

No presidential seal.

No letterhead.

No White House statement.

Signatures don’t match.

We all know he doesn’t run his X account. Did the President get hacked, or is this actually a coup?

There's plenty more, but I think that's quite enough.
July 22, 2024

A few sample reactions from my Twitter lists (text only)

Alex Cole

Wow, Republicans are running a 78-year-old convicted felon for president. Yikes!

Curtis Stigers

Hey News Media!
Have y’all noticed how goddamn old & confused Donald Trump is?
Start writing about it.

Alan Ferrier

So the candidate convicted of felony crimes by a jury who found him guilty of 34 separate charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through hush money payments to a porn actor *isn't* the one who's dropped out of the presidential race?

The USA is deeply weird.

Alan Ferrier

I'm definitely up for the series finale of the Donald Trump saga being the one where he loses to a Black woman.

Ben Jones

This will be the first Presidential election since 1976 to not have a Biden, Bush, or Clinton on the ticket.

Fernand R. Amandi

I hope it’s slowly dawning on the MAGA Republicans that Joe Biden is now a President with total immunity and legal protections for official presidential actions as granted to him by the Supreme Court — and unencumbered without the electoral concerns of seeking re-election.

Steve Analyst

I don't think we should judge a presidential candidate by their age. It's ageist to assume someone of advanced years can't run a country. I didn't do it for Biden, and I'm not going to do it for the rapey felon.

edward price

Replying to

While I agree with this we are allowed to consider physiological decline and Mr Trump is definitely worse for wear.

Steve Analyst

Yes, I agree. I nearly tweeted underneath that if they start talking about electricity and sharks, that is a different story.

Duncan Jones

Prepare yourselves for a wave of tech-bro led misogyny the likes of which we’ve never seen…

✨Jane Graham✨

What we really want to know is - what is Kamala’s golf handicap?

Tommy Vietor

We need a complete and total shutdown of opeds entering the United States until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

Michael Spicer

history pls enough

TechnicallyRon (On all the platforms)

Dear the universe, we'd just like one week where something doesn't happen. We are all so tired. Thank you, sincerely everyone.

Andrew McCarthy

Can we forget about politics for a second and just stare at the full moon 😍

This was captured using two telescopes and two cameras from my backyard.

July 20, 2024

Wait, what? Peter Baker of the New York Times decries "normalization" of Trump

Since the scribblings of Peter Baker of the NYT keep cropping up on DU with tedious regularity at the moment, I make no apologies for posting this 2020 article from Dan Froomkin at Salon which shows that Baker may have deteriorated, perhaps through advancing age, but the warning signs have been there for quite some time. Maybe Baker's family will do the right thing and suggest it's time he hang up his laptop.

Wait, what? Peter Baker of the New York Times decries "normalization" of Trump
No journalist has done more to make Trump seem "presidential" than NYT's D.C. bureau chief. Here are the receipts

In Friday's New York Times, the paper's White House bureau chief, Peter Baker, tut-tutted the "normalization" of Donald Trump's presidency — as if he himself, along with his colleagues, weren't among the people most responsible for it.

In a "White House Memo," Baker wrote about the damning things former national security adviser John Bolton says about Trump in his new book — revelations that Trump "sees his office as an instrument to advance his own personal and political interests over those of the nation"; that Trump is "erratic," "impulsive" and "stunningly uninformed"; that he makes "irrational" decisions; and that he feels that "the rules that governed other presidents in the post-Watergate era are meant to be broken."

Baker's "nut graf," as we call it in the business, came after he described a scene in which Bolton agrees with then-chief of staff John F. Kelly that there has never "been a presidency like this." Baker wrote:

That is self-evidently true and yet it bears repeating every once in a while. After more than three years of the Trump presidency, it has become easy to forget at times just how out of the ordinary it really is. The normalization of Mr. Trump's norm-busting, line-crossing, envelope-pushing administration has meant that what was once shocking now seems like just another day.

As it happens, I don't actually think the public experiences Trump's presidency as normal — quite the contrary. I think there are two widely held and mutually exclusive views of the president, and in neither of them is he even remotely normal.

But reading, listening to and watching the news coverage of Donald Trump, I am often struck at the lack of context, alarm and outrage from the mainstream political media. There's an awful lot of stenography and credulousness.

So, coming from almost anyone besides Peter Baker, what he wrote there would be astute media criticism.

Coming from him, though, it's preposterously, laughably ironic.


Do click through - there are quite a few "nut grafs" in what Froomkin wrote.
July 20, 2024

Flashback to 2020: DHS withheld July intelligence bulletin calling out Russian attack on Biden's mental health

ABC News, published September 2, 2020:

DHS withheld July intelligence bulletin calling out Russian attack on Biden’s mental health
The Trump campaign has repeatedly engaged in a similar line of attack.

In early July the Department of Homeland Security withheld publication of an intelligence bulletin warning law enforcement agencies of a Russian scheme to promote “allegations about the poor mental health” of former Vice President Joe Biden, according to internal emails and a draft of the document obtained by ABC News.

The draft bulletin, titled “Russia Likely to Denigrate Health of US Candidates to Influence 2020 Election,” was submitted to the agency’s legislative and public affairs office for review on July 7. The analysis was not meant for public consumption, but it was set to be distributed to federal, state and local law enforcement partners two days later, on July 9, the emails show.
Beyond warnings of Russia's purported activity, critics said the decision to withhold the document will fuel concern that the Trump administration has sought to politicize intelligence, particularly after an announcement over the weekend that senior intelligence leaders will cease congressional election security briefings due to alleged leaks from lawmakers, and will instead provide only written reports.

“We are hearing concerns being raised publicly that, in this administration, intelligence community reporting is being modified or blocked for political reasons -- or to not anger the president,” said John Cohen, an ABC News contributor and the former undersecretary for intelligence at DHS under President Barack Obama.


July 19, 2024

'A three-point poll lead shouldn't mean we force Biden out' says political strategist

I'm re-posting this, which I first posted here on Thursday, because OPs are moving so quickly on GD at the moment that some of you may have missed it the first time. It's weathered quite well since then, given calls from some Democratic donors for the whole ticket to be scrapped and some sort of open convention be held instead, seemingly because it might be a bit of a laugh.

It's an interview with Democratic strategist and pollster Cornell Belcher, who served on both Obama campaigns, that aired on Channel 4 News in the UK on Thursday evening:


Channel 4 News
‘A three-point poll lead shouldn’t mean we force Biden out’, says political strategist

[Twitter video]

YouTube version - the interview starts at 6:30:

Important quotes for me:

... on average in American polling ... it's a two- or three-point race either way, just like it was before the debate, and if you look back in history, 2012 at this time, Barack Obama was also in a toss-up race, depending on the poll, two or three points behind Mitt Romney, so I hope we're not saying we force someone out because they're behind in the polls.

... a convention that's thrown into chaos, where they try to step across and over Joe Biden's VP ... Harris on national television would be an absolute disaster for us in energizing and mobilizing our base, and particularly if it's someone who is not currently a part of that ticket, and Vice President Harris, I think it would be absoultely disastrous if they try to jump over the first African-American woman of color VP and pick, to be quite blunt, a white guy for the top of the ticket, given where the base of this party is, I think they would be handing Donald Trump the White House.

... there's 14 million voters who have voted in the Democratic primary for Joe Biden, and this process, there's a process for the voters having a say in who the candidate is. If we're going to throw out 14 million votes and have a few people pick the candidate to be the top of the ticket, I think that's really problematic, and it becomes, you know, really tough for us to energize and mobilize voters.

And the absolute key quote for me:

Stop with the polling. Polling is instructive, it's not predictive. A three- or four-point race, you build a campaign to overcome that, and you tell that story.

These are words we in the UK would be well advised to take on board in our own politics, which is as vulnerable to the media running away with interim polling to forge their own narrative as it is anywhere else.

Matt Frei, the interviewer, used to work for BBC Radio 4 some years ago, and aired some excellent magazine programmes about US politics on the ground in the run-up to Trump winning his (let's hope only) election. He's been capable of better analysis than he's currently turning out for Channel 4 News.

I don't know if it's just me, but Frei seems a bit taken aback and deflated by Cornell Belcher's arguments and his deft rebuttal of statements Frei glibly makes early in the interview that are not actually fact-based.

If you watch the whole video, you'll see that Belcher's contribution ran counter to the narrative Channel 4 News has been promoting (you don't want to be in the room with me when I'm watching it at the moment, at least not without earplugs and a faceguard and catcher's mitt, and possibly a butterfly net).
July 19, 2024

"Did he run out of locusts?"

I saw this image on Twitter earlier, then stupidly forgot where, so without much hope I searched for the phrase "Did he run out of locusts?" and discovered it was a widespread meme (and yes, quite possibly an old one, but they're often the best):

The search: https://x.com/search?q=%22did%20he%20run%20out%20of%20locusts%3F%22&src=typed_query&f=top

July 18, 2024

'A three-point poll lead shouldn't mean we force Biden out' says political strategist

This current mess is mainly the remit of those who actually live in the US. I don't, I live in Scotland. I'm married to an American and have paid close interest to US politics for decades.

This is an interview with Democratic strategist and pollster Cornell Belcher, who served on both Obama campaigns, that aired on Channel 4 News in the UK this evening:


Channel 4 News
‘A three-point poll lead shouldn’t mean we force Biden out’, says political strategist

[Twitter video]

YouTube version - the interview starts at 6:30:

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Member since: Mon Sep 7, 2009, 12:57 AM
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