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Hekate's Journal
Hekate's Journal
July 22, 2024

I'll miss Joe & am glad I have my 2 coffee mugs & T-shirt. Glad I donated. Nothing is wasted.

A couple hundred bucks toward a Democrat as good and decent as Joe Biden — it will be put to good use by future POTUS Kamala Harris.

This last month has been absolute hell for us here, hasn’t it? I guess it was around 10:00 my time (maybe later; I dawdle when I wake up) when I was making some breakfast and my husband (who was probably looking for Fareed Zakaria’s program) said Biden had dropped out. I already had DU up on my iPad and nothing was here yet, so I flipped on MSNBC in my kitchen and got Katy Tur with a succession of intelligent guests.

It was when Rachel Maddow was roped in for early comment that I finally got a good grip on the potentialities of the situation. She had the usual nice things to say about Joe Biden, but it was also she who turned my thinking around by going on at length over how panicked and furious Trump and his whole campaign had to be at that very moment.

She was in a state of unholy glee over that prospect, and over the choice of JD Vance, who was chosen for an ideology so rabid that in her words, people will vote for a protein shake before they vote for Vance once they get to know him through our eyes. Trump is stuck with Vance, and the RNC is over and he has utterly squandered his chance to obsess over anything but his many personal grievances, his snake fable, and Joe Biden’s supposed feebleness. Trump is now the oldest person by far in this campaign. And Joe has taken “age” off the table for the Dems.

I did not expect to be able to feel any optimism on this day, and I did not expect to be able to pivot like this. Amazing.

Now all the Dems have to do is start running ads about Project 2025 …

July 22, 2024

Actually, it convinces me that the American people are bound & determined to defeat Trump

We are fighting for the Soul of the Nation. We are fighting for the republic and for democracy itself. Look at Project 2025, which you can read for free online — that nightmare is what we are fighting against. Links below

I am far from being alone in having been through the shredder this past month at DU. Watching Joe Biden go through this has been nothing less than heartbreaking. Don’t tell me about “excitement” — with a great team and a great VP Joe could have done this, and I have been a willing small-donor.

What has turned my grief around today was Rachel Maddow’s immediate take on it. She’s sorry Joe had to do this. She thinks he’s a great man.

That said, what she had to say about the Trump Campaign was enlightening, to say the least. With glee Rachel recounted that there was only one candidate Trump had in mind, one he was already relentlessly portraying as enfeebled. She believes there is panic and chaos on Trump’s campaign today, hurray. She believes people “will vote for a protein shake” over JD Vance.

As for the votes of 51% of the population — the MAGA GOP Theocratic Fascists think we are nothing but a nuisance and a threat and worth no more than breeding bitches. Shocked at my language? Anyone who is shocked has not been paying attention. We are not stupid, and women have been dying needlessly ever since Dobbs was passed, regardless of political party, religion, or race.

Eyes on the Prize.



A synopsis & guide to 920 pages:

July 21, 2024

Act Blue -- Small dollar donors! $27.5 Million in the past 4 hours pouring in to Act Blue

Announced by Rachel just now.

So there, person who was convinced the money was from techbros and oligarchs trying to buy us.

July 21, 2024

Still in the first phase of shock. Meanwhile -- thank you for your steady hand.

Jon Meachem just called him Cincinnatus. Oh

July 20, 2024

🌈🌺Mahina, you started something wonderful -- it's been a couple of decades since we shared our stories

I was deep into my response in the middle of the night when our internet connection went out again, and I was barely able to copy and save to my own file. I’m loving it that there are so many replies this morning, and look forward to reading them all and listening to the music.


It’s been awhile since we DUers did this with each other, and there’s so many poignant stories. FWIW, here’s mine.

As a kid I used to lay on my back and watch the vast Hawai’ian clouds rising to infinity in the bluest sky. Every time I left the front door of my parent’s little house I had the Nuuanu Pali before my eyes. As a teenager trying my hand at poetry, I wrote about the subtle colors clouds could be. At night Hina the moon made a shining path from the beach across the ocean — to herself. As she rose higher, she would wrap herself in the gauziest vapors and display a lunar rainbow….

Where I am now, I welcome the fog as it climbs from the ocean and follows back all the paths that water takes downward in its season — all the dry creeks, carved-out spaces in the hills, the roads — fill with fog flowing upward, laying cool hands on the sere hills. California’s Central Coast is such a different place that it took me long years to see its own kind of beauty. And it is beautiful.

As for Hekate, in the ‘90s I worked thru the mythology of Demeter and Persephone, and took that with me to graduate school. By the time I graduated I had made a conscious decision to explore other woman-myths, altho if I had cleaved to my dissertation advisor I would have made the mother/daughter dyad my life’s work.

Took an entirely different path though when BushCheney came to the White House. I finished my dissertation (I made sure of that. Trust me, I’m a doctor, as Groucho Marx said in one of his comedies) and returned to my political roots.

When I came to DU I gave some thought to my name, and decided that I would give a nod to my studies and to my post-motherhood condition: Hekate is Oldest, and the goddess who makes the dyad a triad, which is what many Greek goddesses exist as — triads. Maiden, Mother, Crone.

Hekate is usually seen as an Underworld goddess, but she was one of the original Titans, and can travel thru all the realms. Hekate is the only one who heard Persephone’s cry when she was abducted. Hekate stands not at a crossroads but at the place where 3 roads meet. She is the Lady of decision. And as with all of them, she is more than I can say here.

I knew that by going back into political activism I was at a fork in my own road, and would probably not be able to return — and I was right. But all I knew, then and now, was that I could not remain silent. I can only hope my decision was worth something in the end — we are travelling through another season of darkness, and this time around feels darker.


July 14, 2024

MadAboutHarry, I've been recalling DU during BushCheney. We refrained from calling for their deaths...

As such. Usually. Actually, every time someone got close I called it out just because it seemed to skirt some kind of federal crime and I did not want us to go there, and didn’t want it to become a habit. It’s about the office, not the man.

And for anyone reading this who doesn’t recall, we really, really hated BushCheney. When I first got here there was a thread on “what do you do when Bush’s face comes on the tv” and one guy (and yeah, I do remember who it was ) said he would full-on moon the tv screen.

Ah, the dear old innocent days. Maybe it’s time to bring back the Agent Mike jokes — they served a purpose. Agent Mike is retired now, but he trained his replacement Fred before he left. Hi, Fred. Have a donut on me.

We know Trump is a stochastic terrorist. Now he has the prospect of Project 2025. He’s not POTUS now, but he was and he could be again. I will not cower, but at the same time I am pulling myself up short in this moment and asking if I've crossed a certain line I set for myself 20+ years ago. There are some things adults shouldn’t put explicitly in a public setting.

We still need our jokes, dark humor, and a place to rant and vent. Yes we do, and this is our home. We need reliable news sources and a place to hash them over. We need our friends, and they are here.

July 14, 2024

Remember when TSF came back to the WH from having COVID & wanted to rip off his shirt to show a Superman T-shirt?

Remember when TSF came back to the WH from having COVID & wanted to rip off his shirt to show a Superman T-shirt ?

True story. But his handlers would not let him.

We’ll see what he does this time. Seems like the moment for vengeance and retribution against the country, doesn’t it? He’s been building up a lot of blood-lust in his cult.

I have not had any political stickers on my car since that asshole beat Hillary in 2016. Finally even took off the COEXIST sticker. May take a walk up the hill to see if the poor oppressed orthopedic surgeon has put his insurrection flags back up.

Stay safe out there, friends.

July 13, 2024

Turns out he had TWENTY campaign appearances in 2 weeks. What's the ratio on that?

Turns out he had TWENTY campaign appearances in 2 weeks. What’s the ratio on that?


Consider what we've seen from Biden recently. As we wrote, President Biden appears to be recovering his mojo after his disastrous debate; with the triumphant hosting of NATO leaders in DC and the stream of successfully unscripted public exchanges across prominent TV interviews, donor calls, and an effective hour-long press conference along with 20 demanding campaign appearances around the nation in two weeks. While he has visibly aged, and cannot run a 5 minute mile anymore; his mental acuity and ability to govern are readily apparent for all to see. Biden is hardly giving any new ammunition to his critics.

In what many expected would be the most challenging appearance, this week's press conference at the NATO Summit, Biden spoke extemporaneously and thoughtfully for over an hour, well past his supposed bedtime of 8 pm. More than proving his competence, cognitive acuity, and knowledge, Biden's sagacious wisdom was on full display as he riffed impressively about foreign policy challenges as varied as fortifying Pacific alliances, countering China's rise, supporting Ukraine against Putin, a possible ceasefire in Gaza, peace in the Mideast, not to mention economic prosperity and domestic policy wins, all while engaging in witty repartees with journalists ranging from New York Times foreign policy correspondent David Sanger to foreign press from Poland.

July 13, 2024

Calling Trump's Gish Gallop a "debate" doesn't make it one. Expecting a normal human to respond...

…point by point to an unceasing firehose of sewage is not even rational.

So you had one non-debate with a madman. You try it.

Then you had a speech at NATO. It was “scripted” — so sue me. It was very well-received by our allies.

Then you had a press conference on foreign policy in which neither the questions nor answers were scripted. In particular, Mr. Sanger asked a long, detailed, and multi-faceted question. Were you able to follow it all the way to the end and remember each detail? I watched Biden do that, actually, and he answered each facet in detail. In addition he not only called Sanger by his correct name, but remembered his specialty in journalism and gave him a compliment.

Then there was the rally in Motown, which you claim you watched. It was great stuff and the audience loved him. Even Sign language interpreter #1 was so excited he couldn’t stop grinning.

So is this a bad ratio? Nothin’ but terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days ahead?

And one more thing. Did you see this from The Jerusalem Post? Biden is brokering a peace deal.

Jeez-louise, and this is just in a week or two.

Profile Information

Gender: Female
Hometown: Central Coast, California
Home country: USA
Member since: 2002
Number of posts: 92,597

About Hekate

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