Samrob's JournalAmerica will never be "exceptional" as long as liars, cheats, anti-democracy, racist, fascist,
gun-humping, grifting, autocrat-loving, immoral, misogynistic men and women, are at helm of our local, state, and national governments. PERIOD! FULL STOP!
We are pissing in the frontal wind if we think differently. WAKE THE FUCK UP, AMERICA!
The most underrated President of my lifetime.
Reagan told us, Americans should not have to sacrifice. I remember it all.
Does Pres. Biden have the authority to revoke and/or deny security clearances? If so,
he had better get busy revoking some in the House and Senate. Their public statements alone seem to be enough to revoke some clearances. Yes, they are entitled to free speech but not entitled to top security clearance.
WTF?? MSNBC giving so much time to the NRA...WHY? nt
Is an egg a chicken? Asking the anti-abortionists. nt
If True: Trying to check now. We need to do a better job of vetting military for TS jobs.
A better job of vetting everyone for TS jobs. We Feds are too busy denying clearances to people with poor credit ratings (most are minorities and women who were crushed by pandemic) and not properly vetting former military with ties to Nazis and other racists groups.
I will go back to my earlier pleas. LET THE LINKING BEGIN!!
It is really time to link ALL Republicans to the cult of Trump. Every frigging one of them needs to be linked to guns and mass killings, J6, Mar-a-largo docs, the deficit, inflation, document links, Dodd, and whatever else Trump did to destabilize democracies around the world. We must begin now to get rid of them from our seats of governance.
Thanks to what happened in TN with ousting 3 Dems, people all over the country might pay more attention to voting in state and local elections and running candidates against ALL GOP candidates!
For decades I have seemed to be (at least to myself) a lone voice crying in the wilderness about the importance of voting in state and local elections AND getting Dems to run for office against GOP candidates at all levels. I was here years ago under other ID wailing about the 2010-2016 elections not putting more effort into state and local elections IN RED STATES especially. Dozens of letters to the DNC and and later the HRC campaigns to put more radio ads and print ads in those areas, to hold more town hall meetings in deep red areas to combat what I saw as the complete hold of FOX and Limbaugh over those areas. Literally suspended from DU for screaming at Dems to put as much effort into state and local elections as in the "new revolution" and fighting each other as to what Dem was more or who was less a corporate friend. We have wasted so much time, energy, and resources fighting each other while the GOP was garnering the MESSAGE to voters out in the red lands.
Sure the voters in those areas vote against their own interests. They do so primarily because the only messages they hear are the one brought to them over RW controlled media. They do not hear or see the messages of our candidates put out over the MSM. Small town hall meetings and radio ads EXPLAINING major issues in simple, truth messages focused on the local interests and needs of communities all across the nation would cost less and yield more voters than we think. It's almost too late now because we have lost decades of messaging to these communities. Just listen to the ignorant statements made by Trumpers being interviewed after one of his rallies. It really makes me shudder to think about it.
TN has lit a spark, that if fueled by the right messaging by the right people (GEN-Z) hopefully will bring the change we want to see.
So, is TFG releasing copies of his Mar-a-largo cache of TS doc to our friends and enemies now?
This whole issue with our Intel doc being put on the Internet and elsewhere has me suspicious of a Trump blowback for his indictment either by him or his cult members.
Lie, cheat, steal, divert and destroy is their MO.
Now the world knows that TN protects pedophiles, public pissers, racists and mass shooters.
Nice going TN GOP.
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Member since: Wed Jan 19, 2022, 08:08 PM
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