concreteblue's JournalTrump presser, bleach, alcohol, covered by Wapo
"Bryan said ....alcohol killed it in 30 seconds. "
I am going to conduct a non-clinical trial on the prophylactic effecs of blood alcohol levels on the Corona virus.
Anybody else?
Adrian Perkins Claims Senate Judiciary Committee Relied on Fraudulent Letter Supporting Kavanaugh
"Yesterday, The Bayou Brief reported that Adrian Perkins, a 32-year-old Democratic candidate for mayor of Shreveport, was one of only eight former or current members of Harvard Laws Black Law Student Association (BLSA) listed as a signatory of a letter submitted to both the White House and the Senate Judiciary Committee praising embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
Perkins, who has refused to answer or acknowledge our repeated requests for comment, reacted to the report on social media and in an e-mail sent to The Shreveport Times, alleging that his name and others were used without their permission. He declined to say whether he supported Kavanaugh, the paper reports.
If his allegations of fraud are true, the letter, which was entered into the public record on Aug. 29 and mentioned by Sen. Mike Crapo during Kavanaughs confirmation hearing on Sept. 6, should raise significant questions about the integrity and credibility of the Senates rushed effort to approve the nomination. "
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This is a couple of days old, if it needs to be reposted in GD let me know. First time I have seen/heard it.
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