corbettkroehler's JournalPer NYT: Sanders Leads Fundraising In 46 Of 50 States (Including IA, NH, SC, NV) Hall Index Forecasts Sanders' Carrying New Hampshire Primary By Yuge Margin
After Bernie's decisive 2016 victory in the Granite State primary, I shouldn't be surprised. Still, this latest round of good news made me reread the numbers!
UAW President Emeritus Bob King Endorsed Sanders
The endorsement is great on its own but YUGE when we consider that King remains quite influential in the trade union movement.
Genius "Medicare For Y'All" South Carolina Billboard Campaign!
Berner Irena Schulz of South Carolina had a genius brainstorm to help the world's greatest candidate carry the Palmetto State on Leap Day 2020, billboards reminding her neighbors what a Sanders presidency would mean and the importance of voting.
If you would like to learn more, pop over to her GoFundMe page. As of this writing, she already has purchased 8 billboards. As she continues to blow past her original goal, she has concrete plans to secure even more of these persuasive advertising towers.
Bernie Hates Women, End Of Discussion Bernie Blackout Continues
There's been real progress. For proof, check out this encouraging piece However, equal in its weight (but in the wrong direction) is this latest prevarication from CNN... KEY TAKEAWAY: The good poll numbers means that it's time to floor the accelerator, not downshift!
Practical Significance Of Sunrise Endorsement
Naturally, Bernie's entire platform motivates young voters. However, in terms of creating a movement and looping in the newest generations, the climate crisis consistently tops the list. Let's remember this coverage from November...If you haven't seen the background video released before the Sunrise endorsement, I exhort you to spend a few minutes. It brings the cold statistics of movement politics into sharp focus...
CBS News Plus Charleston, SC Post And Courier Confirm Sanders SURGE (and use "that word")
Tack on the People's Action Endorsement and Sanders has had quite a week. Here are the facts...
Charleston, SC Post And Courier report
Aided by voters under 50, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is continuing his recent national surge in South Carolina, where he has supplanted U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts for second place.
Sanders gained the most support of any candidate since the last Post and Courier-Change Research poll taken in October. He added 7 percentage points to pass Warren, whose backing was unchanged.
Sanders poll numbers have risen in other early voting states since Thanksgiving, where he has become the leader in New Hampshire and the second choice in Iowa, according to data tallied by Real Clear Politics.
Sanders Surge Just Became Undeniable (to others)
For Berners, looking out from the inside, we knew that the Sanders Surge was born during an early autumn phone call from AOC to a Las Vegas hospital room. However, even as Sanders has climbed and climbed and climbed, my best efforts to convince supporters of other candidates (not necessarily to vote for him but) at least to concede that a Sanders Surge has occurred have been met with cognitive dissonance. No volume facts has made a dent.
I was not surprised by the reaction except for the depths of denial which some feel about Bernie's continued rise despite clogged arteries (which since have been locked open by stents).
On Friday the 13th, the Boston Globe's James Pindell confirmed the Sanders Surge AND MORE! I have crossed linked from the Democratic Primaries forum.
Profile Information
Name: Corbett KroehlerGender: Male
Hometown: Orlando
Home country: United States
Member since: Mon Feb 29, 2016, 09:08 PM
Number of posts: 1,898