lapfog_1's Journaltrump media is down 20% today ( so far )
somebody knows something.
Perhaps the billionaires and oligarchs that ran up the stock by buying the worthless shares are now sitting on the sidelines and letting Trump cash in by selling ( him or his surrogates / family ).
Or something else is going on.
NOW is it time to revisit the PSA
Pacific States of America?
California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii?
At least we can send money to Ukraine to fight Putin and not to Trump and the crazy idiots in Washington DC.
crazy idea
There are a number of states that allow registration to vote right up to election day.
3 of those states are "interesting" ND, WI, WY a total of 16 EC votes.
There are at least 1.5 million eligible voters in Puerto Rico.
How much would it cost to hire 500,000 people from PR and give them a job phone banking or knocking on doors or watching the news or whatever for 1 month if they move this week... get a cell phone and cable at their month to month rental apt. and do NOT ask them to either register or vote... because that might be illegal. But hope that they would vote.
Thereby locking up 16 EC votes for Harris.
Like maybe $1.5 billion? maybe $2B.
this would hire random people from Puerto Rico ( all are natural born citizens ), hiring them to do a job... move them this week and hope they register to vote and vote... with their proof of jobs and proof of residency ( rental agreements, cable bills, etc) and we hope they vote the right way ( but we don't make that a qualification ).
Repukes can "cheat" maybe we should "cheat" legally. Probably pisses off the People in Puerto Rico that they cannot vote for President if they stay in Puerto Rico.
Next cycle pick other states and hire people at least 30 days before the election... and hire them in the "swing states" or hire them all in Texas... hey Texas, you get 2M new residents, all of them pissed off Latinos. Socially conservative but otherwise mostly liberal.
Just a crazy idea. Doing legally what they already accuse us of doing illegally.
GOP up to their usual tricks?
Kamala and Tim are deeply thankful for your support. Will you help power our ads, organizers, and outreach today?
Harriz-Walz 2024
9:54 AM (8 hours ago)
I got this email from "Harriz-Walz" Soliciting for Kamala this morning. They misspelled the name multiple times in the email.
I suspect this is dirty GOP trick. I only donate through Act Blue so this is lost on me, but everyone be careful out there.
It isn't about any of the following for me
It isn't about the mega donors
It isn't about the polls
It isn't about a single debate performance
It isn't about the number of Dems wanting him to stay
It isn't about the number of Dems that want him to leave
It isn't about who got the most votes in a primary now long over
It isn't about his age in particular. We age at much different rates and with different abilities as we get older
For me, it is only about CAN HE DO THE JOB.
That's it. So far he has done a fantastic best in my lifetime job.
But, if others have evidence he can no longer do the job, even it is only in the last 2 months that this evidence has surfaced, then they need to have a open and frank discussion about what they know, what they witnessed, that make them think he is no longer up to the job.
I've seen him do both terrible and relatively decent in non scripted appearances in the last 5 weeks. He has never been the greatest orator, I don't expect that.
If there is something wrong that the "insiders" know, they need to tell us... otherwise they need to get behind our President.
goddamnit - I can't watch this
Biden at the dignified transfer
Something Nixon didn't do for my brother!
As I get older, I think more about the lives stolen in that useless war.
All I remember is the grey sedan showing up in the afternoon one day with the 2 officers in dress uniforms... I didn't even notice that one was a Navy Chaplain. My parents weren't home so I told them to come back at 6pm... It was August. I thought they were there to tell my parents that I was accepted at Annapolis. I was accepted but they weren't there for that.
My dad was an enlisted pilot in the Navy for WW2, and my brother was an officer in the Navy.
Don't know why I think so much now about something that happened 50 years ago.
Why is Chuck Fraud on my TeeVee
and yesterday? Morning Screaming Joe had Matthews on too.
Is MSNBC bringing them back, trying to rehab their reputations?
Alert on my phone
Earthquake detected... take cover.
I'm in Santa Clara CA... no earthquake yet.
edit to add
M 4.1 - 4 km SSW of Isleton, CA
2023-10-18 16:29:14 (UTC)38.126°N 121.632°W10.8 km depth
from USGS....
Someone was a bit trigger happy with the alert system.
already downgraded to 4.1 from 4.5 earlier.
so my company has a large division located in Israel
some 3000 people work there.
my CEO just sent an email with the sad news. The senior VP (and founder of the Israeli company my company purchased 5 years ago) lost his daughter and her long term boyfriend ( a former employee of ours ) at the music festival.
Another employee was killed after he was called up to serve in the IDF.
And another employee and his wife were kidnapped by Hamas, No word on if they are alive.
all in all, some 400 of our employees have been recalled to active duty by the IDF.
I expected the last bit of news... I am shocked by the former. before I was an employee at my current company, I worked for the company founded in Israel. I contracted to them back when they were a small startup in 2002. Wrote some of their first software. I met the founder of the company ( now our senior VP ) a couple of times back then.
I can't imagine how the people in Israel feel.
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