mobeau69's JournalSo Michelle Obama won't be in DC on the 20th.
Guess the go high has limits. Good for her.
President Jimmy Carter's Gravesite Ceremony
Nicole Wallace played the audio of Joshua Steinglas' closing and it was spot on.
The verdict in this case was unanimous and decisive. And it must be respected."
Instead of preserving, protecting and defending our constitutionally established system of criminal justice, the defendant the once and future president of the United States has engaged in a coordinated campaign to undermine its legitimacy. Far from expressing any kind of remorse for his criminal conduct, the defendant has purposefully bred disdain for our judicial institutions and the rule of law. ... Put simply, this defendant has caused enduring damage to public perception of the criminal justice system and has placed officers of the court in harms way.
Someone posted about the dick Warren Davidson's comment about holding up aid to CA until they sweep the forests or some
such BS. The poster mentioned that CA has more pukes than a bunch of red states put together.
Is there a list showing this that I can get my hands on? Unfortunately I live in his magat infested district and Im going to text him about what a laughing stock fool he made of himself (again) and how he embarrassed his district and the State of Ohio.
Dotard: This is a witch hunt. I am totally innocent.
"The greatest sin of all, the abuse of power". JRB
Yes traitor, he was looking at you and talking to you.
PSA: Closed or shortened hours tomorrow:
Trading on the New York Stock Exchange will be closed on Thursday, Jan. 9.
The Nasdaq said it would be closing trading of all U.S. equities and options that day as well.
Bond markets will be open, but for reduced hours, closing early at 2 p.m. ET.
Federal offices and the USPS will be closed (No mail delivery).
Some banks may be closed. Call ahead if you plan on going to one.
Harris to speak soon after meeting with Jeffries per msnbc.
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