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uhnope's Journal
uhnope's Journal
May 8, 2016

EdwardBernays, you just linked to a RWNJ website and its anti-Obama conspiracy theory

you actually cited a RW activist website that advocates for prayer in public schools (among other things), as part of your citing a two-year-old CT that Obama has an insidious plot to put government agents in newsrooms. (How's it going with those monitors, anyway?--since we've heard nothing about it since then. Or have all the witnesses been assassinated to keep them quiet?)

You know you've just shredded your own credibility, don't you?

No surprise you're apologizing for Putin TV.

Saved for posterity:

I live in Europe. We get news media from around the world... The US news media is a joke. Unserious, biased and utterly dishonest.


And that's not even considering the fact that the most popular news channel in America is flipping Fox News...
April 26, 2016

no, THANK YOU "Mr Jefferson" for admitting yr ANTI-SEMITICneo-Nazi sources

"Anglo-Zionist"? At least you're honest about where you're coming from: basic Jews-control-the media BS.

The Saker is a basic Holocaust denial, see http://www.democraticunderground.com/1017220603#post17

VNN is an anti-Jewish hate site http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1014&pid=647712

It's very revealing that you lump those two in with RT, Telesur, PressTV, Global Research, Infoclearinghouse and all the other fake news sources--I agree that they are all equal in creditability (AKA NOT).

Can I ask how this anti-Semitic hatesite worldview you are promoting fits in on this progressive, democratic web forum?

January 16, 2016

Why socialists should have nothing to do with RT (Russia Today)

I don't know about this blog but this piece speaks the truth. I recommend reading all of it.


RT uses the language of the mainstream left to cover politics that are fundamentally reactionary and that serve Russian imperial interests.

Of course that’s not how the TV channel describes itself. “RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to question more,” says their website, “and delivers stories often missed by the mainstream media to create news with an edge.”

By “news with an edge”, they may sometimes mean that quite literally – and the edge belongs to a Russian bayonet.
Let’s be absolutely clear about what RT actually is. This is a state organ of the Putin regime and though it occasionally uses the language of the left (when attacking Russia’s rivals) the one thing consistent about its coverage is its uncritical support of Russian imperialism.

Honest leftists should refuse to have anything to do with RT, shouldn’t watch it, should refuse to be interviewed by it, and certainly should not host shows on it.

READ MORE https://shirazsocialist.wordpress.com/2013/12/11/why-socialists-should-have-nothing-to-do-with-russia-today/
October 7, 2015

OK prove me wrong, Zeemike, that you are not a supporter of fascism in Russia

Tell us what you think of Putin and his gay-bashing anti-democratic regime, since you claim not to be a fan.

Don't forget to mention
-the anti-gay laws and demonizing gays
-the deaths and imprisonment of journalists
-the deaths and imprisonment of liberals and opposition figures
-the dismantling of the independent media
-the "Nashi" Kremlin & crony sponsored Putin Youth of who harass & beat Putin opponents & those resisting shakedowns
-the talk of "New Russia" as part Russia expanding by taking over other countries
-the lies that Russia does not have soldiers in Ukraine
-Putin's theft of millions of rubles, starting with food aid money while St. Petersburg starved in the 1990s
-the neo-nazi gangs that terrorize gays, liberals, judges and journalists--and that has been tied to Putin's advisor

I'll be glad to provide links to any of these. Here's one, while we're waiting.

August 3, 2015

billhicks76: your CT would be hilarious if not for the outright lying

billhicks76: The NSA online efforts were very specifically aimed at websites in the Middle East and were designed to cut down on the number of young Arab men being recruited into extremist beliefs via ISIS, Al Qaeda etc. The languages used were specific to that region. So not English and not in the USA. If you read those articles you know the truth--and therefore if you're trying to portray them otherwise now you're lying. So either you're sorely mistaken (ignorant of what you cite) or you are making shit up for the sake of your CT.

July 31, 2015

Stop using the term "MSM" or "Mainstream Media" It's a BS term invented by the RW.

I've noticed that it's usually CTers and what I call the Orthodox Left (those that think RT is a legitimate news source) that use the term "mainstream media" or "MSM" on DU.

Here's Markos "Daily Kos" Moulitsas on the subject back in 2007:

"MSM" vs. "Traditional Media"

It's become in vogue by progressives to adopt the right-wing acronym "MSM" to refer to the "mainstream media". It's quite common on this site as well as elsewhere (Arianna uses it here).

I've written before about this (too lazy to search for it). It's a ridiculous term to adopt.

First of all, it's a right-wing pejorative, and I'd rather we not adopt their language and frames.

But more importantly, by calling them "mainstream media", we are saying that we ourselves aren't mainstream, and that's not something I'm willing to concede. This site gets far more readers than most "mainstream media" publications, so why are they mainstream, while we are, by definition, the fringe?

Let the right wingers place themselves out of the mainstream. That's where they belong, with Mr. 25% and the dead-enders who believe fairy tales of a pacified, democratic, pro-Israel Iraq and raft-building kangaroos.
Read more

Mouslitsas essentially predicted the future. As this analysis of Nate Silver and the 2012 election shows, it was the GOP's shunning of the "MSM" that divorced it from reality so badly that they actually thought that Romney was going to win:
How Conservative Media Lost to the MSM and Failed the Rank and File
Nate Silver was right. His ideological antagonists were wrong. And that's just the beginning of the right's self-created information disadvantage.
Barack Obama just trounced a Republican opponent for the second time. But unlike four years ago, when most conservatives saw it coming, Tuesday's result was, for them, an unpleasant surprise. So many on the right had predicted a Mitt Romney victory, or even a blowout -- Dick Morris, George Will, and Michael Barone all predicted the GOP would break 300 electoral votes.... Even Karl Rove, supposed political genius, missed the bulls-eye. These voices drove the coverage on Fox News, talk radio, the Drudge Report, and conservative blogs.

Those audiences were misinformed.

Substitute RT for FOX News, Counterpunch for the Drudge Report, "The Real News Network" (I just can't write that without quotes) plus Ring of Fire for talk radio, and sources like Firedoglake.com, ConsortiumNews, Robert Parry, & John Pilger for conservative blogs. You end up with the same separation from reality that got the GOP in big trouble.

Now, I know the New York Times, and most of the traditional media, horribly blew it during the WMD days. They will continue to be less than perfect at best and to be blowing it again at worst. But that doesn't mean we ignore the entire traditional media; what that means is we have to use these sources critically; to take the info as part of our general background of knowledge. It's totally ridiculous to say you'll never believe the "MSM" ever again; in fact I notice those that use the term as a punching bag are the first to cite the traditional media when it supports them. They just don't like the news that disagrees with their dogma.

I read tons of news from different sources. Many news magazines are doing great journalism, to not much notice. I read magazines like The Economist because the scholarship and breadth of their reporting is outstanding, but I know that their fiscal conservatism limits what they present.

I listen to Democracy Now, and I suggest that those who need convincing on this subject do what I do, in reverse. I listen to Democracy Now because they cover stories that are not covered very often in the broadcast media, but I listen to it with my critical filters turned on, because I sometimes find them to be less than thorough, a bit lazy, and a bit too Orthodox Left. That's the same way you take the traditional media--don't automatically believe everything you hear, but don't mindlessly reject it all, either.

And in the meantime, stop saying "MSM". It looks stupid.

July 23, 2015

Don't link to COUNTERPUNCH. It's a far-RW racist trojan horse (No Click On It)

Most DUers already know that Counterpunch has no credibility, but this new analysis is the final nail in the CP coffin. They draw you in with Chomsky or Amy Goodman but they mostly publish far-right, racist (white supremacist) authors.
ON EDIT: And clicking on CP gives them revenue so don't do it (Hat tip NuclearDem)

How ‘America’s Best Political Newsletter’ Mainstreams the Far Right

CounterPunch, which bills itself as ‘America’s best political newsletter’, offering ‘independent investigative journalism’, tends to figure quite prominently in the reading lists of left-leaning activists, who doubtlessly appreciate its consistent antiwar stance, its critical analysis on US economic and foreign policy and US-sponsored Israeli apartheid, and the regular contributions from such leading Left writers as John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, Paul Street, Jeremy Scahill, and Tariq Ali. Indeed, CounterPunch generally tends to be thought of as a Left media outlet. However, in writing for, and sharing articles published on, CP, Leftists are unwittingly helping to promote the agenda of the far right.
In addition to the authors relied on by CP for its left cred, ‘America’s best political newsletter’ also regularly publishes ‘independent investigative journalism’ by a wide variety of white supremacists, including Paul Craig Roberts, editor of the white nationalist website VDare, Ron Paul (who poses for photo ops with neo-Nazis and warns of ‘race war’), and Alison Weir, holocaust denier Israel Shamir, and that perennial saboteur of the Palestinian solidarity movement, Gilad Atzmon, author of the racist The Wandering Who.

Although there are some who have expressed concern on this problematic mix, when I have raised this issue in discussions with others in left activist circles, I have often found that it is dismissed as a triviality. In these discussions, the white supremacist contingent tends to be attributed to an unwillingness to bow to ‘political correctness’ or a mere desire to ‘piss off liberals’, and generally believed to be an insignificant deviation from an otherwise clear leftist editorial line, the sort of thing only an ‘ideological purist’ could get excited about.

My own research into the editorial practices at CounterPunch shows otherwise. Not only have white supremacist authors long been a fixture at CP; their ideology is shared by members of the editorial collective. All in all, it is entirely reasonable to say that the formation of a Querfront (an alliance between the far right and the left) is a longstanding project of the newsletter, consistently endorsed by the decisions taken by CP editors and their own stated positions.

READ IT http://meldungen-aus-dem-exil.noblogs.org/post/2015/07/19/counterpunch-or-suckerpunch/
February 7, 2015

Purveyor: Your defense of linking to terrorist websites has been noted

"You stick with your propaganda and I'll stick with mine." WOW

February 3, 2015

Putin apologia and RT BS knows no limits. + Golden Rolodex

It's getting bizarre. Why does a progressive and probably antiwar website let active proponents of an actual fascist regime, that is actively waging war, run wild? Criticize them and you get:


Ever notice that the Putin sympathizers repeat the same few sources over and over again?

They seem to have a fondness for the anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying website:
"Vineyard of the Saker"
Holocaust denial: http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.com/2011/03/predictably-youtube-censors-alan.html

Here's a good DU summary showing how the website says the Ukrainian gov't is "99% comprised of Jewish Zionists" : http://www.democraticunderground.com/1016100356#post26

DU has been not allowing this website to be linked to for some time, because it's a lot like Stormfront or Vdare: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1014808123#post4

The washed-up apologists club:

The most laughable: Robert Parry. Back in the 80s he did good work; now he's a bad joke. http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1014&pid=854333
Oh yes (Haters hate Putin because he's been too peaceful)

& his Consortium News http://www.democraticunderground.com/?com=view_post&forum=1014&pid=854333
Common Dreams

John Pilger. http://www.democraticunderground.com/1017234336

Stephen Cohen. The once-respected scholar has so embarrassed himself lately that academia doesn't want money if his name is on it: http://www.democraticunderground.com/1016112713#post2
see also http://www.democraticunderground.com/1251357086#post1
see also https://disunitedstates.org/?p=6170

And where does this money in Cohen's name come from? His one-percenter wife, Katrina vanden Heuvel, the editor and publisher of The Nation. Speaking of which:

The Nation http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2014/07/stephen_cohen_vladimir_putin_s_apologist_the_nation_just_published_the_most.html

Lawrence Wilkerson: Good whistleblower gone bad--now he's a professional gadfly/conspiracy theorist who goes on the Kremlin media to self-promote his very wrong predictions about the always-evil US.

I hate to add:
Seymour Hersh (great work during the Vietnam War but now he's lost it, having devolved into "the US must be wrong in every conflict" territory)

Thom Hartmann--I agree with Hartmann's politics 99% of the time, but having his show on RT has really made him knuckle under to the guy paying his rent.

And these:
Of course Russia Today AKA Putin TV
Counterpunch: they've really lost it
Glenn Greenwald: http://www.newsday.com/opinion/columnists/cathy-young/u-s-critic-blind-to-putin-media-control-cathy-young-1.7346637

Paul Craig Roberts: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10025726000

Someone possibly named Michael Collins: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1403/S00159/the-childrens-crusade-obama-and-merkel-go-after-russia.htm
There's definitely something fishy about "The Real News Network"

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Member since: Fri Sep 23, 2011, 05:20 PM
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