yobrault1's JournalWithout a single shot fired
this is what I cannot fathom. That Russia will take control of a foreign power that possesses the most lethal force in the world without a single shot being fired. The current leader of said nation has full immunity and a duty to protect the constitution. The person replacing him has clearly sided with an enemy of the state and this leader is going to politely step aside and let it all happen. I had so much faith in the American people, and I am at a loss to comprehend how such a force can die politely and quietly.
I pray our leaders will be different.
Question: How did only 69+million people raise $1 Billion for Kamala in only
90 days. The math is not mathing people. He lost support since the last election. Dems were more tuned into what his next term would look like than any other demographic on the planet. Why would they sit on their hands. Simply because of "female". Something smells rotten in Denmark.
I wonder if his first speech will
have all his voters realizing exactly what they just did. They elected a degenerate madman, and now they have to live with it along the rest of the world. Everyone keeps saying its just four years. Theyre not paying attention.
A new take on Bohemian Rhapsody
The Marsh family on youtube
My faith in the American people.
Over six months ago I declared that tgf would not return to the White House. I stated that I believe in the American people. I believe that they have more in common than what divides them and I believe they know this.
A tiny bit about me: I lived in Atlanta, Georgia for five years as a Canadian business owner on a Visa. I, as an entrepreneur, worked with people from all different backgrounds in one of the busiest cities with an incredibly diverse population in the south.
Ive travelled to many states and I believe this to be true, generally speaking, most Americans are not willing to give up the American experiment.
I dont know how this election is gonna go some days Im very nervous but other days I go back to that original thought, I believe in the American people and no matter what happens I always will.
May God bless and keep each and everyone of you and may God be with us all.
Trymp (intentional) is literally
the living embodiment of what you dislike about another person. Unless you have some of his traits, then you dont think hes so bad. I noticed in my life that there are people that have certain traits and they cant help but display those traits. I see it as people having the asshole gene, people who have to come into a situation where everyone is getting along and everyone is having a good time and they have to drop a bomb so they disrupt the good vibe that exist. Their first instinct is to shatter the vibe on purpose. Why? because they want to draw all the attention to themselves, good or bad, they get the attention. Its all about them. Now, how Trymps voters and sycophants do not recognize that this person will literally do nothing for them, that is not transactional, is what makes them uniquely, willfully ignorant to their own self preservation . I believe that those that oppose this person recognize exactly who and what he is, an asshole for his own gain, or in other words, a con... Its just staggering how many people are willing to vote for an asshole and be conned.
Now do I think that his race baiting has a lot to do with his fan base? Absolutely! Hes an asshole, of course hes going to use race baiting as a tactic. I dont doubt that for a second but I also think when you have people of color backing him, they are willfully ignorant of what he is capable of, and they do not consider their own self preservation. They are the conmans easiest mark, the ignorant one that will believe anything and stand for nothing, not even their own well-being. Think Lt Gov NC, another asshole and you dont even have to look very deep to figure out this guy. He knew that this shit was going to be dug up on him, but he still went far right radical. Why? Because he knew decent people wouldnt have anything to do with him. He appealed to those who are willing to follow him because they possess some of his traits. Assholes follow assholes and Im sorry but at this point anyone that follows any of these people are, at the very least, assholes. Just a thought.
Do you feel
it? I feel it! Time to believe!
How do you start a trend to not give eyeballs or clicks
to tsf/tfg
I have been avoiding clicking on anything that references that individual. He loses airtime if he doesnt draw attention. The media is obsessed with him. We arent.
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Member since: Sun Jul 1, 2018, 08:54 AM
Number of posts: 158