underpants's JournalWell DU, it's been nice knowing you
Apparently the world is ending tomorrow.
The Hadron super-collider is making anti-matter in Switzerland
The Pope AND the Chinese leader are both in DC which has something to do with a One Global Currency
There is a Blood moon later this week
Yom Kippur and the autumnal equinox are on the same day
And so forth
I might be missing some parts but that is the gist of what a co-worker felt compelled to stop me in the hall, for a good 10 minutes, this morning to explain.
She is extremely devout (but not Evangelical) but she doesn't necessarily believe it..... but friends of hers have been "reading some websites" "not any that I'd go to but they are Christians sites" and all signs point to the end of days.
So this is goodbye, I guess, DU. it's been fun. I hope we made a difference. I am sure we all have learned a lot and had a good time DUing it.
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