csziggy's JournalDamn - broke my toe Tuesday
Stubbed the next to my little toe really bad. Now, I've broken the little toe on that right foot about a dozen times, with horses stepping on it, but this is the first time I've really damaged this toe.
At first I didn't think it was too bad but later in the day it hurt a lot to walk so I had my husband tape it to the next bigger toe. Now the bruising extends well into the foot and when I took the tape off a while ago the end of the toe is deep purple while the rest of the toe matches the foot.
I can't wear shoes so I guess I will dig out the sandals I bought to wear after I got my ingrown toe fixed. I hate sandals. At home I go barefoot and when around people I'd rather have full shoes - that dates from a traumatic event when I was a kid.
After some research I decided to not go to the doctor. All he would do is to tape the toes together - we can keep doing that. I'd forgotten how much a broken toe hurts.
Biden's economic team looks interesting
First off, I have to admit that I am not into economics, but I did just find out this week that a relative by marriage is one of the top people! I have never actually met the relative this person is married to, but they are themselves well known in economic circles. Pretty interesting how families go in completely different directions, given what the grandfather of this relative was like.
Anyway, my not so close relative by marriage is highlighted in this article:
By Nicole Goodkind
November 7, 2020 2:28 PM EST
Jared Bernstein
Bernstein served as Bidens chief economist and economic adviser under the Obama administration, and its expected that hell take on a similar role now that his former boss has the top job. A progressive and advocate for laborers rights, Bernstein is currently serving as a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Heather Boushey
Boushey has served the Biden campaign as an unofficial top economic adviser to the President-elect. She currently works as the president and CEO of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, which seeks to diminish inequality by creating economic growth, and she was tapped to serve as the chief economist of Hillary Clinton's would-be presidential transition team in 2016.
Ben Harris
Harris is another economist with deep ties to Biden. He replaced Bernstein as the chief economist and chief economic adviser to the vice president from 2014 until the Obama administration ended.
Harris, who currently sits on Chicagos COVID-19 Recovery Task Force, will likely be responsible for crafting immediate COVID-19 economic recovery policy. He has been advising Biden through the campaign and is a core member of the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force, which is intended to bridge the gap between progressives and the more moderate wing of the Democratic party.
More: https://fortune.com/2020/11/07/biden-economic-advisors-recession-unemployment-coronavirus/
Isn't there someone here into model airplanes?
I'm asking because the friend of my husband who he found dead last week used to be a model builder. My husband's brother who is an experienced eBay seller might be putting up the collection for sale. My husband said if I know anyone who is interested we can send him a list of what the guy had and let them have first refusal.
I have no idea what period or types of planes he was interested in but as I said we can send a list and maybe photos.
PM me if you are interested. All profits will go to the man's daughter.
I missed this in May! The Mitch Gets Sacked - by Founders Sing with Mutant Ninja Turtles

Finally pictures of all three cats!
Good news is they are all getting along. Maya and Lucas love to play chase. Sometimes Maya, Queen of the House, is chasing Lucas, and sometimes Lucas, the Prodigal Cat, is chasing Maya. Maya and Sabra tend to hang out in the bedroom in the sun, and today I found Lucas and Sabra in the two cat trees side by side.
I didn't get a shot of Maya who was intensely jealous - we only have two of that type of cat tree and she usually gets to smaller one so Maya found just the right sized box:
And Lucas was taking a break on the kitchen floor:
Oh - a third cat tree is on order and should be picked up tomorrow. Plus their catio - our screened porch - is almost finished and they get to check out the new floor treatment tomorrow!
It's great to see all the cats getting along and to see Sabra spending more and more of her time out from under the bed and in other parts of the house. She's still spooky, but not as frightened, especially when it is just my husband and me in the house.
S#!T - my husband found one of his friends dead tonight
We've known him for over forty years and he is one of the guys my husband has played D&D with. The friend's daughter calls him "Uncle 'Ziggy'".
We should have known something was wrong since we haven't heard for him for a couple of days. The man has had multiple by-passes, stents, heart attacks, and strokes, and was a case study at one of the medical schools because of an injury to his heart as a child. He'ss been having repeated problems with his lungs filling with fluid and stays in the hospital to get his lungs clear, was tested for Covid but always negative. Last time they checked his heart they told him 25% of it was dead and it was working at 40% of capacity.
We knew it was not going to be very long, but this is horrible.
For years my husband has made sure he made it to medical appointments, that he got his medicine, got decent nutrition, and that his bills were paid. All his friends kicked in for the last - under $1000 on Social Security Disability did not give him much to live on.
My husband had to call 911, deal with the police who had to make sure there was no foul play (he was sitting in his recliner with his oxygen on), contact his daughter, help her set up transporting his body to the crematorium, and so forth. On Monday my husband will contact his landlord and make arrangements to pay for the apartment for a month so the family will have time to get all his stuff out.
Shit. He was only 63.
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