GulfCoast66's JournalDisney World to require mandatory vaccines.
For salaried, non Union employees. Effective 60 days from now.
In addition, starting today all employees and guests must wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
They are really throwing down the gauntlet.
God Damn it! People I love now have Covid!
Just talked to a friend who Ive been close with for 25 years. Love his kids like were mine. Was there when they were born. Not in the room, of course. That would be creepy. But at the hospital. Took their dad out for a drink right after mom and the kid went to sleep.
They are republicans but less crazy than most. Wrote in a name rather than voting for trump in 16. Pulled the lever for Biden last year but republican down tickets. His wife is less moderate. Not religious.
Anyway he is the only one out of 5 in his household vaccinated. Its him, his wife and kids.
4 of them now have Covid. Guess who doesnt? Bingo. The vaccinated guy.
His kids are pretty much over it as expected for very healthy and active kids in their teens.
His wife? Not so much. Sick bad for over a week. No breathing problems yet, but Im worried. Its not getting better. Shes around 50.
He is pissed. As am I. So preventable.
Im vaccinated. I still wear a mask if the place Im going into is crowded. If I get Covid and die, well, I did all I could do. That life. Something is going to get us. But people dying and getting real sick when it is totally preventable is sickening.
Damn Im pissed. Even in my conservative family in Louisiana everyone is vaccinated. Why could he not convince his immediate family to get the jab?
Ok. Rant over. But Ive been worried about this happening for months now. It was predictable.
Are the Q people a new Know Nothing Party or a new religion.
Its rare that a new religion starts. The Mormons are the last I can recollect.
But Im beginning to think the Q folks are the first social media religion. Which should I guess be expected. Back when people talked to each other face to face it was almost impossible for a new religion to start. But with social media it does not surprise me that it is accelerated.
Currently their predictions keep changing and the dates of trumps re-installment keeps moving back. Its apparent to any thinking person, including all the republicans I know that is has been bullshit from the git-go.
For several months I thought the whole Q thing would go away like the Know Nothings. But they keep doubling down. At this point even after Biden wins a second term and trump had met the maker I cant see them joining reality. They will still be here in 2026.
When the Mormons came on the scene they were thought crazy. But their believers were all in. And now there are millions of them.
I cant see the Q people just walking away at this point. And most of them are religious anyway. And they are all in. It dominates most of their lives.
Sorry for the crazy OP. But it just hit me that these people are behaving more like a religious group than a group of political junkies.
Im not religious. Ex-evangelical. Q peoples faith in their crazy beliefs reminds me of the shit I believed in as a kid.
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