LAS14's JournalHow to react to people like Robert F Kennedy, Jr., and Oprah Winfrey re vaccinations?
I was disappointed to learn that Oprah Winfrey had seriously joined the anti-vaccination movement. I knew that Robert Kennedy, Jr., had. How does one deal with mostly admirable people having such wrong headed opinions?
I think the visceral response must be respected....
.... and suspected.
I've been profoundly supportive of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. But the last time I got a kind of electric charge was when John Edwards appeared on the scene. Well, we know what happened there. But this is one of the things that might be a positive if Winfrey should run and bring her charisma to the table. There can't be too many secrets left.
I'm flabbergasted at the lack of information about Winfrey that is being demonstrated here on DU.
How many of you think you have a pretty thorough understanding of Oprah's life and achievements?
Here's a good post.
And another.
So the six year old said, "You have to respect me." Your thoughts?
My 5 and 6 year old grandsons have been playing with a 5 year old girl for most of their lives. Lot's of child care trading, etc. They all like each other a lot. Tons of giggling.
The other day (so I'm told), there was a tiff, and the girl said, in no uncertain terms, "You have to respect me!"
The question I'm posing to DU is why am I ambivalent about this?
Your thoughts?
P.S. After reading some replies, I've clarified my thinking a bit. Let's stipulate that there was no sexism or racism involved. My son and wife are very sensitive to such things, and would have reported it if that had been involved. It would have been a completely different story.
So I'm realizing that part of my ambivalence is that the little girl is being taught at home to demand respect (justifiably), but my little grandsons have no mechanism to deal with the greater societal issues behind it. Are they supposed to capitulate every time she learns that this is a magic phrase? (No reports that this has happened, but just wondering.)
Did the Amtrak engineer survive? nt
Any word yet on Alabama turnout? nt
The Al Franken flap has produced a good thing.
It has raised to the forefront the idiocy of "zero tolerance" and "the default should be to believe the woman." Faced with putting these ideas into action in all cases has made DUers (and, I hope thousands/millions) of other people realize that "Zero tolerance is zero common sense." (Another poster). I'm not saying the accusers are lying. Dunno. I'm just saying get real. Don't put sex in some sort of Victorian/Puritan magical category. Care about the environment and the poor and our health care!
Has Trump so trivialized U.S. foreign policy that the Jerusalem...
... "decision" will be viewed by the world as more stuff not to take seriously from the Tweeter in chief?
What happened to thread about amount of activity on DU?
I was reading it between 8:50 and 9:00 this morning, and came back to ask one of the posters about Facebook groups. But I can't find it anywhere. Was it deleted? It had a short Subject line. I thought "DU" was in it, but searches on web page don't find it. So... 2 questions.
1 - What happened to the thread?
2 - Someone said that people are shifting to Facebook groups. I couldn't find a single political Facebook group except Drudge. Am I not looking in the right place?
What do you think about Garrison Keillor's article about flamboyant gay dress?
This was posted in a reply in another DU thread as an example of Keillor's political incorrectness. From my perspective, anyone who has listened to him for any length of time knows that he is not homo-phobic. He points out in the beginning that he is talking about a stereotype (i.e., not the actual whole population) .He is complaining about flamboyant dress. Since when are we not allowed to have a negative opinion about an adult's dress? What do you think?
Sorry, I was unable to find a link to the original Salon article.
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