lambchopp59's JournalA few graphs to share with your Trumper friends
Some may help illustrate climate change correlative facts vs. shorter term "weather" references. Same few, re-researched I printed for my late father a few years ago to help convince him Fox news is dispensing disaster Valiums. It only took these as reminders of articles he read long before the Alheimer's started setting in and Fox noise became an obsession (that my mother was sick of as well)
Percentage of U.S. land recieving short term heavy flooding:
If that isn't sobering enough, get a grip of this one:
Feel free to print it off for the next time Trump tell grandma everythings fine, nothing to see here...
Stop me if you've heard this one
Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama and a young school girl are on a flight when disaster strikes the plane and all occupants must parachute to safety, but there are only three parachutes. Oprah Winfrey says "I'm the richest woman in the world", grabs a pack and bails. "I had the greatest electoral college victory ever" spits Trump, grabs another pack and follows Oprah. Barack Obama turns to the school child and says "You are the future, our country's best hope" and begins to outfit the child with a pack, when the girl states "actually there's a future for you, too. Mr Trump jumped with my book bag".
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