lambchopp59's JournalTroll around and find out you wicked witch...
The twitterverse responses here are priceless:
Pious, innocent Matt Gaetz leading public prayer...
I don't have a clue what the gathering was.
It just threw me into profound nausea to hear that creep on some radio broadcast today start a public religious prayer and the gathering mindlessly clapping on that sex trafficking creep. I wanted to say "me can't stands no more", bust open the can of spinach, fly over to D.C. and bust that punchable face's teeth flying.
GOP just keeps hitting MAX hypocrisy...
It's about damn time this hit national media:
I've been arguing with idiots for decades about this.
Finally, here it is on a channel/program some of the crank-servatives watch.
I tried to post this from the CBS app, doesn't work.
I don't begrudge anyone for their Xtian beliefs. But when they're still adhering to "be fruitflies and multiplies" in our current predicament...
It's about damn time this hit national media:'ve been arguing with crank-servatives for decades about this. Finally, here it is on one of the channels/programs some of them watch.
I don't begrudge anyone for their Xtian belief system. But when they're still adhering to "be fruitflies and multiplies" in our current predicament...
Complex PTSD
This Mercury retrograde has got the wayback machine cranking on overdrive for me. Family and co-workers alike keep inadvertently bringing up early childhood traumas.
Complex PTSD, starting in my case with a fall all the way down a flight of stairs at just under a year old and sequelae keeps emerging in my dreams, if later traumas being subjects of discussion since I better understand the issues involved. There was some immature caregiver neglect involved.
Some years ago I had nightmare extinguishing therapy involving Blue Methylene enhanced exposure treatment for more recent traumatic events that was disrupting my sleep. It was indescribably intense, but effective. Now I wish I could find a similar treatment for my worst PTSD pickle that's effected me more profoundly than I ever have been cognizant of.
I know I've always been a bit
Log Cabin, dammit, turn in your triangles.
Once a respected part of the LGBTQ+ movement, the Log Cabin Republicans, like large swathes of the GOP, embraced Donald Trump and everything he stood for. The organization has defended Floridas Dont Say Gay law by comparing its opponents to pedophiles, opposed landmark LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination legislation, and has repeatedly been rejected by the Republican Party.
The group has targeted Chasten Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigiegs husband, in an effort to portray him as an effete gadfly. Chasten Buttigieg is a former elementary school teacher and outspoken critic of the Florida law.
The radicalized organization has also compared LGBTQ+ people to child molesters, saying queer teachers are trying to groom and indoctrinate young kids. Earlier this week, the groups San Antonio chapter members joined armed extremists to protest outside a drag show featuring queens from RuPauls Drag Race. The organizing group, This Is Texas Freedom Force, has been labeled an extremist militia group by the FBI.
Linked article started in on Kelly Anne's recent antics on Sean Hannity show, then veered off into Log Cabin's dipshittery for some reason. I've always thought of them as hypocritical but... wow. Just f'n wow.
Oh... that look on Zelensky
Gee does TFG have a nasty wart to be removed?
Oh, wait. It's the whole...
Indeed... the "why" evades all rational, logical thought sheds some light.
I personally can't fathom Trump support at all.
But recalling the depths of ignorance encountered in a small rural coal mining community in the late 1970's, as a teenager I believed I'd encountered peak dipshittery when a gruff old snaggletoothed chain smoker, great grandfather of my momentary cohort actually took one look at my bookworm countenance and with a scoff piped up with "Awww Dat book larnin' Doan do ya no good".
I stood astonished just a moment.
Then realized the source of the local reverence for ignorance.
Beyond that shudder producing scenario I realize that particular cohort probably was left behind: in what now is a ramshackle, boarded up mess of a town with meth addicts stumbling down the main thoroughfare.
TFG stood there proclaiming he was their last great hope.
Spot the difference between these 2 things: debate my ass.
Note the attempt at false equivalency here:
Comparing herself to people denied service, rights, even human dignity due to inherent traits compared to her
to be a self-righteous bigot encouraging more bigotry.
If the courts don't stop falling for this false equivalency in all these bullshit "religious liberty" cases, we're inching that much closer to concentration camps and repeating the most shameful periods of history.
I'll reiterate to any of the "choice to be LGBTQ" kneejerkers:
The only choice I make is to be honest with myself and others. *and*...
So when did you decide to be straight?
In 2016 they called us "sore losers"
But methinks the MAGA's have now earned the undisputable world champion SORE LOSERS at this point.
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