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JT45242's Journal
JT45242's Journal
July 10, 2024

Proper response when asked if Biden should step aside and not run by everyone in the D party

In the history of this country, has there ever been a President who created jobs at the rate that Biden has, stepped aside?
In the 100 years that we have tracked unemployment, has there ever been a president who had numbers this low who stepped aside?
Has there ever been a President who oversaw more investment in infrastructure across all parts of the country step aside?
Has there ever been a President who brought back critical technology jobs and production like the CHIPS act that stepped aside and did not run?

On the other hand, has there ever in the history of our country been a candidate for a major party who was a convicted felon who was allowed to run? Anyone with 10, 20, 34 convictions? Or would a normal party shun such an individual?
In the history of the country, has theer ever been a candidate who was an adjudicated sexual assaulter -- based on a jury of his or her peers?
Has there ever been a candidate that was implicated in court documents of the rape of a 14 year old girl and the sex trafficking of many more?
Has there ever been a candidate who was found through his businesses to commit fraud in multiple business ventures (a charity, a university, real estate)?
Has there ever been a candidate for a major party who was ordered to pay over $80 million dollars for defamation?
Has there ever been a candidate who had more close advisors who were indicted for felonies in multiple jurisdictions who was allowed to run (would need to check out Teapot Dome to see if that out felonied TFG) -- so there might be one as corrupt as TFG.

June 28, 2024

Viewpoint of my 17 YO after last night's debate... aka why TFG won the debate by accomplishing his goal

My 17 yo son (who will be 18 and vote) watched teh debate in a different room than us and this was his take.

"Biden looked old. He really looked like the job of being President finally caused him the rapid aging that we saw with Barack. We liked him in 2020 because he had old guy "I don't give a fuck, I am going to speak the truth energy" [I'd call that Dark Brandon energy] At the debate he looked old, he seemed confused. People my age aren't going to want to vote for either of these old dudes."

That makes it a win for TFG. If young people stay home, vote third party, etc. then Biden will struggle to win swing states. The goal for TFG and all Repubs has to be to get young people to say there is no difference and stay home and not vote. Because the racist young ones will.

I realized as I thought why Biden's performance was especially disappointing last night. Two videos that I had seen over the last week or so.
1. Secretary Pete absolutely shredding the committee hearing Gish Gallop method by saying essentially. "You said a lot of things that are not factual. I will address them one by one starting with the most outrageously false." And then just destroying the lies with facts.

Someone explain to me why Joe did not say on abortion. "That is a lie. You do not want states to decide. Ohio voted to protect Roe v. Wade rights by an overwhelming majority and the republican majority blocked the will of the people. More importantly, do not believe what this guy says. Read what they wrote down is their plan in Project 2025. This guy and his backers wrote that they want to pass a national abortion ban. You can read it yourself. It is online. They will also take away birth control and IVF . It's in Project 2025. Plus believe their votes, MAGA Republicans would not vote to protect birth control as a guarenteed federal right. They would not vote to keep IVF available to all the families os desperate to have kids who need that medical option."

"Let's talk about the lies about the border. We had a bipartisan bill written by a conservative republican senator from Oklahoma and a democratic Senator. It was a good bill. It had everything that he is saying that we should have. He and his spineless lackeys in the Senate killed it. He told them it would be bad for him and make me look good, so he p=had them put Trump and party above country so that it could not even be discussed and amended to make it even better. That is unamerican. That is dangerous. That is slefish. And that is why he should not be president."

2. The Colorado republican only debate where the moderator shut people down when they lied or did not answer the question.

The 17 yo said CNN is basically fox news since they got bought out. ANd these two clowns let TFG lie without consequence, dodge questions without consequence, and allowed him to have lies be equivalent to truth.

Why did Dana Bash or Jake T say "Yes or No will you accept the winner after all legal challenges." Stop him when he got off topic. Ask it again. Then one last chance after stopping again. "We will take that non answer as a no."

June 28, 2024

Disappointed by the debate in oh so many ways

Biden walked out and looked frail and old. His voice sounded weak. He never mentioned Project 2025.

I had not heard that he was sick beforehand, but my wife and I immediately said he looks sick

He did get better as it went on.

But I was so disappointed in the two clowns from CNN who did not challenge outrageous lies or complete failures to address the question.

My 17 year old who will be a voter is like I don't want either of these now.

My son came up and said CNN is just fox news.

He thinks TFG won the popularity contest of the debate.

I weep for what passes for journalism today.

May 11, 2024

Fetterman as subject of negative propaganda

Whoever is running the smear campaign on senator fetterman is doing a great job.

Both sons, almost 23 and 17 are spouting stupid, crazy shit about him that they are getting off the internet.

Just a few examples from the last two days...
1. Fetterman has ALWAYS been a real Republican masquerading as a Democrat.
2. He is now anti abortion like all the rest of the Republicans. (The news story that I tried to show him working with planned parenthood was just a lie to get people who aren't in the know to vote for him thinking he's a dem and not a Republican).
3. He's gone full on fascist and wants all Palestinians killed.

I don't even know how to fight this or how prevalent it is. I disagree with Sen. Fetterman on not acknowledging that Netanyahu's government and military need to be restrained. But how they are getting young people to say this kind of bat shit crazy stuff ....it feels almost like Qanon from the left.

I fear that long term this kind of misinformation and purity signaling will split the Democratic party like maga has splintered the Republicans.

They also spout the Biden hasn't done enough bullshit as well.

April 26, 2024

Redirect questions for pecker

1. If FOP, friends of pecker, were off limits including some political candidates...were any of these Democrats?
2. Why did you only protect the campaigns of Republicans?
3. Did you consider this to be something that could be valuable to a campaign of a friend or business associate?
4. Did you or the trump campaign report this value as a contribution in kind to his campaign?
5. The attack stories that you ran on trump opponents, what would be the approximate cost of these as attack ads?
6. Did you receive the value of the attack ads?
7. Did you or trump campaign include these as contribution in kind?
8. To address two other issues. Did you coordinate with Trump about who to attack?
9. So. Even if you were to somehow say that EMI and the national enquirer were operating as a SuperPAC, then it would have been in violation of campaign laws to coordinate between the PAC and the campaign. Who coordinated the messaging that was beneficial to trump? At whose direction?

(Gets you to Cohen as bag man and trump calling the shots with #9

April 12, 2024

A little extra about the OJ trial and the prosecutorial incompetence... remembering we saw stuff the jury didn't

I took some forensic science classes as continuing education as a teacher because we were going to offer a new HS class at the HS that I was the department chair for. My instructor was well known and knew a lot of people in the industry. She knew the defenses experts that really pointed to reasonable doubt.

One of the key pieces of reasonable doubt came from the coroners report that said that the two types of cut wounds on the victims indicated that their were likely two attackers with two different knives. This was the point that the defense truly hammered -- where was the second assailant? Can you be sure it is OJ if the coroner thinks that there were two people? CLearly the police did not look long enough to find both killers.


1. Is there a single knife that could have made both of these different wounds, with a serrated edge of teh appropriate length on one side and a straight cutting edge on the other?
defense expert would have had to say "Yes, there is."
2. What knife is it?
defense expert: would name the knife brand and details.
3. Is it an inexpensive commonly purchased knife or an unusual expensive?
defense expert: It was an uncommon knife that cost about $10,000.
4. How many of these were sold in California over the last 3 years?
defense expert: There were 10 sold in California.
5. Is there a record that Mr Simpson purchased one of these 10 knives that were capable of making both cuts that are in teh coroners report?
defense expert: Yes, Mr Simpson bought one of those knives according to the only retailer in CA.

That would have sunk the entire defense. They knew it. But the two prosecutors never even asked if the coroner could have mistaken a weapon with two different cutting surfaces for two different weapons with two different attackers.

My Professor used this as an example to think about what are all the possibilities that might lead to the forensic findings.

She also stressed that it is often the questions that do not get asked, either by teh prosecution or the defense that lead to the outcome of the case.

We often forget that much of the circus that we saw occurred when the jury as not in the room. Regardless of that, this mistake is why the person found civilly liable for the deaths was not found criminally guilty in court.

March 19, 2024

Are documents still at bedminster worth half a billion?

Unsure why they never served a warrant at bedminster NJ.

Does he have enough documents there that between MBS, Putin, Netanyahu, Xi, and Kim that he could get the cash?

January 29, 2024

Need a law requiring getting a security clearance to run for federal office...also teeth for lying on financial disclosu

If we had such a law we would never have been subjected to TFG, Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Santos, etc.

If people with sketchy past would have to undergo the scrutiny that an administrative assistant in the state or justice department do, they would likely not run or be ruled out.

I'd bet a bunch of these criminals would stay away.

They should enforce a law of lying on financial disclosure documents would carry the same penalties as lying on a mortgage application and actually enforce it.

January 5, 2024

Why not declassify the briefing about TFG that McConnell threatened to blow up democracy for? (redacted for operatives)

I do not understand why we have not declassified (redacted for names) what was said to the group of 8 about TFG before the 2016 election.

Let the American people know that the enture (R) party put a treasonous weasel in the WH because they worship party over country.

October 9, 2023

Has anyone wondered if the large sum from MBS bought the info that went to Hamas?

I know the prevalent idea is Russia to Iran to Hamas....

But would destabilizing the Middle East, driving up the price of oil and getting Iran blamed for it seems like something prince bone saw might give the trump clan lots of money thru Jared and Ivanka.

Or info in exchange for golf tournaments....

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Member since: Thu Nov 1, 2018, 01:54 PM
Number of posts: 2,520
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