Henhouse's JournalContact Superintendent of Catholic Schools Diocese of Covington, Kentucky
Check out @tomwatsons Tweet: https://twitter.com/tomwatson/status/1086671444673728512?s=09
Maga loser gleefully bothering a Native Amercan protestor at the Indigenous Peoples March
Someone needs to find this kids parents and let them know that their son is a monster in the making.
Cathy Myers New Video Leads to Fundraising Surge Myers brings in over $90,000 in 48 Hours.
Cathy Myers Debuts a Powerful New Video Highlighting the Strength of Women in 2018
Paul Ryan challenger sends a clear message: We will not be ignored
By Cathy Myers - Feb 20th, 2018 07:05 am
Janesville, WI Today, Cathy Myers released a new campaign video that sends a clear message to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and her Democratic Primary opponent, Randy Bryce: Women will not be ignored in 2018.
WATCH the video here.
'This is serious': Jared Kushner reportedly tried to set up a secret Trump-Russia back channel
Source: Business Insider
"GOOD GRIEF. This is serious," said Bob Deitz, a veteran of the NSA and the CIA who worked under the Clinton and Bush administrations.
"This raises a bunch of problematic issues. First, of course, is the Logan Act, which prohibits private individuals conducting negotiations on behalf of the US government with foreign governments," Deitz said. "Second, it tends to reinforce the notion that Trump's various actions about [fired FBI Director James] Comey do constitute obstruction."
"In other words, there is now motive added to conduct," Deitz noted. "This is a big problem for the President."
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/jared-kushner-wanted-secret-talks-russia-trump-2017-5
Just can't wrap my head around this...Just imagine if this was any other President, either party. Today's GOP is willing to look the other way in the face of outright treason.
North Carolina Democrats raised $13,161 with Gofundme to rebuild NCGOP campaign office
$13,167 of $10k goal
Raised by 552 people in 4 hours
Video of Conservative Blogger Pulling Gun on BLM Protesters
This happened the same evening as the Dallas shootings.
This man is mentally unstable. He does not need to be in possession of a gun or a concealed weapons permit.
Class of '69 Hillary Wellesley Speech (Audio)
The Art of Making What Appears to be Impossible Possible
New powerful ad from Priorities USA - Grace
Hillary in the Oval Office
Trump: "I have very strong, very thick skin"
Trump: "I have very strong, very thick skin"
State of the Union
In an interview with Jake Tapper, Donald Trump responds to Hillary Clinton's comments that he has 'thin skin'.Source: CNN
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