Magoo48's Journal"Fear is the mind killer"
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
― Frank Herbert, Dune
Joyous resistance? Why not?
Resist: with the mindfulness of a monk and the ferocity of flowing water.
with a quiet mind and a tenacious heart.
peacefully as zephyr and with the determination of a panthers stare.
with the kindness of a mothers touch and the confidence of a charge nurse.
Find a way and resist. And, a little bit is enough if its all you can do.
Slipping into advertising mode.
Why is this happening? My expiration is until January?
I resist so that I can live peacefully with me. Hate gets in my way.
If I can make a small dent in the massive manure spreader rumbling our way, more the better.
Peace and good health to all.
And, oh, fuck Nazis.
All of us on DU can identify the problems. We skillfully articulate and define the problems.
What we seem to lack are long, in depth discussions about how we intend to respond to these problems. Spitballing sessions about actions, direct, indirect, and passive are not flowing back and forth.. Am I wrong in my thinking here, or am I looking in the wrong forums? Is it too soon? Are we on our own, left to our own devices when it comes to response. I admit, Im kinda lost here. Seems like an entire storeroom of potential, imaginative resources or practical ideas is going untapped.
What is our military going to do?
My hope is that they imagine all possible scenarios and consider how they will or will not act. All security agencies have 6 months to make a plan.
?feature=sharedWe have been lied to, cheated, and betrayed by ruthless, wealthy criminals here and abroad.
At times, for myself, these wrongs were self inflicted though.
I lied to myself when I let Pollyanna lend me her glasses; I cheated myself by satiating my hunger for information in places where I knew I would like the menu. I ignored my natural inclination to be wary, a betrayal of self.
Time to return to the grassroots and reflect for a bit.
We wont be saved by :good people at the top; we had the very best, we had the most dough, and we had the best campaign minds.
Me, Im gonna live the best life I can with those i love, according to our values.
Ill watch out for, and support, the new goodness which will surely sprout in the mountains of bullshit recently strewn across all our lands.
Peace and good health to all.
May we be happy, joyous, and free.
What gaff?
Ive been paying relatively close attention to current events, and I havent heard Joe or Kamala make a gaff in, well, I cant remember when.
Waves of anxiety.
Waves of anxiety are rolling through DU like swells before a building storm. Why? Yesterday, I read here about tightening polls, reliable polls, internal polls, and other doom and gloom polling. Much of this fretting appeared to be based in MSM reports. One headline screamed in black and red, block lettering, TRUMP OVERTAKES HARRIS. Paraquoting here.
My response is that there are deep, youthful, pockets of voters across this nation unmolested by horseshit polling. There are millions of women voters unquestioned by twisted pollsters. Turn off MSM. Vote and do whatever else you can do for the cause. E-Z-DOSE-IT, breathe, after the election respond appropriately. We still need our health, regardless.
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Member since: Sun Oct 2, 2011, 09:19 AMNumber of posts: 5,270