NotASurfer's JournalRecall candidate John Cox announces "Meet the Beast" bus tour
Candidate for California governor making Sacramento stop with bear
One of the candidates for California governor plans to kick off a bus tour Tuesday in Sacramento, and it will include an unusual special guest.
Republican John Cox will have a 1,000-pound live bear in an effort to bring attention to what he is calling the "Meet the Beast" bus tour, according to a campaign news release.
Am I the only one picturing him being greeted with "Hail Satan!" banners and being asked if he's claiming to be the Beast, or just have the Mark of the Beast upon his body?
The Senate doesn't need to overthink Impeachment IMO
Members either:
(A) stand with
(B) support the armed, violent, white supremacist overthrow of
the government of the United States.
That needs to be front and center. I have no illusions about the Trumpian Party, seeing how the House Republicans voted on impeachment; make each Senator take a side and let history record which side each Senator takes.
Well, this appears to be the end for (Gollum J) Trump
The last few tweets:
Seems to be a lot of mimosas going around this morning. Should have something on our stomachs
Have to be able to fix it with a (few) mimosa head start, I'm thinking pancakes and something.
So happy to celebrate with all of you this morning!
Fire and ice
Reminded of this Frost poem by recent campaign events that alternated between trying to kill attendees by freezing them, and by steaming them.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
That wasn't a defense
The video montages looked like campaign commercials to me. Snips of different conversations, out of context, to promote lies. It doesn't feel like they were even trying, with the show trial McConnell promised, so they shifted right to advertising
85 seconds Fire Anniversary Remembrance Event
Those wishing to observe the anniversary of the Camp Fire are invited to honor the 85 lives lost by unifying in 85 seconds of silence on 11/08 at 11:08 a.m.
Heard on the way in to work this morning. It's been one year, still feels raw
Camp Fire death toll reaches 86 after man dies in hospital
The Butte County Sheriff's Office has released the name of another victim of November's destructive Camp Fire, bringing the death toll to 86.
Paul Ernest, 72, of Paradise was identified by authorities Thursday.
Ernest was hospitalized with serious injuries and died months after the fire broke out.
DU redirects to "" - possible iOS malware?
(posting from computer support per suggestion)
Doing this from Safari on iPhone. The past day I keep getting hijacked from DU repeatedly. Understand if it's advertising, but worried that (a) it hijacks the browser session with no option to exit and (b) does it again if I close the window and come back again.
I can't find anything useful so far on the redirect site, whatever loompasplace is. Figured it was worth checking to make sure I'm not dealing with some iOS variety malware
Nonstop redirects to "" - how malicious could they be?
Doing this from Safari on iPhone. The past day I keep getting hijacked from DU repeatedly. Understand if it's advertising, but worried that (a) it hijacks the browser session with no option to exit and (b) does it again if I close the window and come back again.
I can't find anything useful so far on the redirect site, whatever loompasplace is. Figured it was worth checking to make sure I'm not dealing with some iOS variety malware
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