FlatBaroque's JournalAnd the Alan Colmes - Super-liberal Award goes to.......
Donna Brazile praises Bushs Katrina response on flight with Obama
Donna Brazile, a prominent Democratic political operative, praised President George W. Bushs response to Hurricane Katrina on Thursday, just hours before President Obamas speech in New Orleans marking the storms 10th anniversary.
I just love me some establishment Democrats!! Is she still parking her ass on CNN guest chairs?
Guatemala President Faces Arrest as Business Interests and U.S. Scramble to Contain Uprising
Video Link: http://www.democracynow.org/2015/8/27/uprising_in_guatemala_could_anti_corruption
Another American "success" story.
In Guatemala, a judge has ordered that former Vice President Roxana Baldetti must remain in prison while her corruption trial takes place. The ruling comes on the heels of the Guatemalan Supreme Courts decision Tuesday to lift the immunity from prosecution for President Otto Pérez Molina, clearing the way for his impeachment. The court passed the impeachment recommendation along to Congress. A general strike has been called in Guatemala for today. We are joined by Allan Nairn, longtime journalist who has covered Guatemala since the 1980s.
You can probably guess America, and Israel, armed and backed this gennocide of the Mayans. They supported the country's oligarchs as they decimated their opposition.
Have you all thought about what would be at stake
if Trump wins the Repiglican nomination? I have spent most of the past hour listening to his speech. This is getting uncomfortably not funny. He has his scapegoats lined up, his bullshit keeps converting low intelligence people, and I can see him going up against Bernie. Can you imagine the stakes of that contest?
Berkeley Breathed (Bloom County) open letter to Future President Trump
OPEN LETTER TO FUTURE PRESIDENT TRUMP: We and America call upon you to produce lab evidence proving NO shared DNA between your head fur and your family Lhasa Apso, Goldy Tinkles. If such documentation is thus provided, the Really Loaded Friends of Bloom County will deliver a check for $2 million dollars to your known favorite charity. We wouldn't joke about this.
Humankind is at a fork in the road
For years I have been writing about the concept of Disintermediation as a framework for localizing our lives and our supply chains. It simply means that for every need that we have to survive, we must eliminate the intermediaries between us and our supplies. For example, a person who purchases an apple at a supermarket is 100% intermediated. A person who purchases the apple from a local organic farm is partially disintermediated. A person who grows the apple locally is 100% disintermediated in terms of acquiring an apple. You can apply this concept to all your needs and you will quickly see what and where the challenges lie. Disintermediation is the opposite of globalization. As you may know, the ruling class is all about globalization. We, as a society have become so dependent upon out Lords to supply us with our needs that we no longer know how to care for ourselves.
We are now on the threshold of having to decide, individually, what path we are going to take. To continue on the path to globalization, or to do what this group in the UK has been dping for a number of years. Their efforts have slowly gained momentum and there is a write up about them in The Guardian. It is an interesting read and it may shed some light on the challenges you might face when you decide to walk down this road.
In my mind, there is no other solution to our global dilemma. The localization movement is the only viable future. It will happen in an organized and supportive way, or it will happen after our wise leaders have brought an apocalyse upon the planet. Either way, we will end up here. The question is will we be allowed to walk this path?
Dutch city of Utrecht to experiment with a universal, unconditional 'basic income'
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/dutch-city-of-utrecht-to-experiment-with-a-universal-unconditional-income-10345595.htmlThe Dutch city of Utrecht will start an experiment which hopes to determine whether society works effectively with universal, unconditional income introduced.
The city has paired up with the local university to establish whether the concept of 'basic income' can work in real life, and plans to begin the experiment at the end of the summer holidays.
Basic income is a universal, unconditional form of payment to individuals, which covers their living costs. The concept is to allow people to choose to work more flexible hours in a less regimented society, allowing more time for care, volunteering and study.
University College Utrecht has paired with the city to place people on welfare on a living income, to see if a system of welfare without requirements will be successful.
The Mess that Nuland Made -- Robert Parry
Exclusive: Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraines regime change in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and consequences. Now, as neo-Nazis turn their guns on the government, its hard to see how anyone can clean up the mess that Nuland made, writes Robert Parry.
Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Toria Nuland was the mastermind behind the Feb. 22, 2014 regime change in Ukraine, plotting the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych while convincing the ever-gullible U.S. mainstream media that the coup wasnt really a coup but a victory for democracy.
So, for nearly a year and a half, the Wests mainstream media, especially The New York Times and The Washington Post, twisted their reporting into all kinds of contortions to avoid telling their readers that the new regime in Kiev was permeated by and dependent on neo-Nazi fighters and Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who wanted a pure-blood Ukraine, without ethnic Russians.
Any mention of that sordid reality was deemed Russian propaganda and anyone who spoke this inconvenient truth was a stooge of Moscow. It wasnt until July 7 that the Times admitted the importance of the neo-Nazis and other ultra-nationalists in waging war against ethnic Russian rebels in the east. The Times also reported that these far-right forces had been joined by Islamic militants. Some of those jihadists have been called brothers of the hyper-brutal Islamic State.
Little baby gets glasses and sees clearly for the first time.
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