LakeArenal's JournalTattoo the traitors....
Watching an episode of Maverick this morning, a character was tattooed for being a traitor..
Thinking this might not be a bad idea, with what should we tattoo the traitors and where should we place the tattoos?
Being on the right side of history sucks
When you are living the bad side of history.
Pretty ill wind that blows...
TCM Great Holiday movie
All Mine to Give. A true(ish) story set in Eureka Wisconsin with stops in Oshkosh and Berlin.
Pence's Policy of No Women Alone seems like a good strategy.
Maybe that needs to be the policy. I won't say particularly for the GOP even though I think it...
Mahlon Mitchell for Govenor Mitchell, much like Randy Bryce, is exciting and new. I am so happy that he has decided to run. He looked great in the recall and even better now..
Check him out Wisconsin. I think he may be the real deal...

New Confederate Flag?
Popping up all over the area, and given out at our local year-round Repug office, are the "Back the Badge" signs. The people that put up these signs have had the traitor flag up before, "Hillary for Prison Signs" and, now, "Back the Badge". It's odd to me as, some are the same folks that hate the sheriff's department. Complain of them waiting outside the bar that still sells "Hillary for Prison" t-shirts, to arrest them for their third DUI. Got a ticket for disorderly conduct, arrested them when they punched their wives, pulled them over for blaring a car stereo at 3am... I feel I always backed the badge long before these folks did.
Isn't "BTB" in direct response to Black Lives Matter? By putting up BTB aren't they implying, "shoot 'em all" and Dump's idea we should bang heads on the door frame.
What would happen if I put up both BTB AND BLM? What if I put up a BTB with my " Trump for Prison" sticker on it? Would that insult BLM to be part of it?.
It does anger me that people can co-opt support of police for the greedy cons. It angers me that Black Lives Matter is an insult to folks around me. I'd like to mix it up a bit, but not by insulting or demeaning the groups I do support.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Lucas McCain gunned down how many peple..... lots of gratuitous shooting going on...
I knew it was a lot. Sam Peckenpaw wrote many of them...
Be sure to watch the video it's fun in a Hollywood way....
Dishonorable drug sales US Tops the World
Only Two Countries in the World Have Legalized This and the U.S. Is One of Them
Story at-a-glance
The United States is one of only two countries that allows direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising, a marketing bonanza thats turned America into a medicated mass of people whove been brain-washed into thinking that taking pills will make everything better―even for ailments you might not have
DTC advertising is a brilliant and very profitable move for Big Pharma, which has effectively transformed consumers into their very own sales reps
Data shows that every $1,000 spent on drug ads produces 24 new patients, and that prescription rates for drugs promoted with DTC ads were nearly seven times greater than those without such promos
DTC advertising is not only unethical, its a dangerous practice that puts countless numbers of people on medications they often do not really need, all for the sake of increasing drug company profits. By Dr. Mercola.
We had been discussing how SuperBowl and other events seem to have less beer and more drug ads. Whose making money from this advertising? We say bring back beer... Cheaper and solves a lot ....
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